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Blow away a evil scientist and would-be world conquerer or two in a spiffy new heli in Cyber Chopper 3: Operation Vulture.

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Free Games Online - dedicated to providing you with free games, whether they are online, offline, shareware, freeware, or multiplayer.

IPB Print Broker - Get the best printing price available anywhere. Free quote.

ClassicGames.com - The LARGEST java gaming room on the net! Join us for bridge, hearts, spades, chess, checkers, multris, wordweb, char, hex, reversi, backgammon, euchre, freecell, go, and xacks.

The MPG Chasm Team welcomes you to our humble abode. As with every other site on the Web, we are continually building. The purpose of this site was revealed to us when our game veterans finally came to a conclusion: playing on a PC can get pretty damn boring when you're doing it alone! It was always great fun when with others, but the selection of two or more player games was severely limited. So, starting from scratch with nothing but Netscape Gold, a college dialup and Windows Notepad, the first steps in cataloguing the 'loveseat' game terrain were forged.

MPG Chasm - Current News

We've decided to rename the site slightly to 'The MultiPlayer Gaming Chasm'. It doesn't look quite as neat as before, but will allow surfers using search engines to find our site more easily, and that's it's all about. After much deliberation, we have decided to leave the site logo as-is.

Better late than never - Our review for Quake (yes, Quake 1) is in, located in the revamped Reviews section, scoring an 85% rating by reviewer Sulman Syed. What took so long, you ask? So do we. Along with the review come the unofficial Quake FAQ and detailed instructions on entering a multiplayer game of Quake via TCP/IP or mplayer.com.

This December we say goodbye to a glowing beacon in the urban wasteland of gaming sites: Lord Soth's Games on the Internet. Under mysterious circumstances the site stopped being updated two months prior to its shutdown. Lord Soth's hosted a terrific direct-download site with a multiplayer game section that helped start this site. The MPG Team wishes Lord Soth (wherever you are) well.

With Lord Soth went most of the games that users could download from THIS site. Never fear, we have been alerted and are working on finding alternate download sites as we speak (figuratively).

End of Current News

These pages, as you might have noticed, are quite a bit different than your regular run-of-the-mill game sites. That's because we like to believe you would rather take two minutes to read up on a game than take two hours to download a dud game. Thus, we have more 'substance' than your regular run-of-the-mill game site.

Of course, the MPG Team nor any of its associates can be responsible for anything displayed on these pages. Thus said, we encourage you to read our disclaimer. This disclaimer is effective whether you read it or not.

If you feel that you know a great multi-player game that, hey, maybe you made, and you think it belongs on these pages, submit it to any well-known FTP site and tell us about it. We'll rate it and have it on our What's New! page in no time flat.

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