Pach's Page

This page is being devoted to files that can help a Dungeon Master with an ongoing campaign.
Should you have any files that fill out this description please let me know. Also, if any link does not work please e-mail me.
Please note that this page is updated every chance I get so come visit soon. Finaly, if any link is not working please let me know which ones so I can take appropiate measures. Last update May 11, 2002
Send any comments, suggestions, etc. to
Pach's Pages
Pach's Forgotten Realms Page.
Pach's Greyhawk Page.
Pach's Mystara Page.
Pach's Dragon Page.
Pach's Font Page.
Pach's Character Sheets Page.
Some more adventures can be found at MPGN
The Missing Maps for Rary the Traitor .
Errata for the Border Watch Module.
Labyrinth of Madness.
Rod of seven parts.
Dungeon Masters guide 2nd edition.
Players Handbook 2nd edition.
Adventures NPC's Rooster
A1-4 Scourge of the Slavelords.
GDQ1-7 Queen of Spiders.
C2 Tower of Inverness.
S1-4 Realms of horrors.
WGA 1-3 Falcon's Revenge.
AD&D Generic Stuff & Links
A great Wizard kit by Robert H. Nichols, The Metamage.
The best Role-playing site in Spanish is Las Dunas.
The Plane of dreams: Dreamscape.
Visit Bejoscha's Fantasy page.
The Guide to Herbs in Word 7.0 format for RPG.
Download Andreas' Al-Qadim Netbook v6.48 in ASCII, or WORD6 version or check out the description.
Some new Psionist Powers.
Looking for a little bit of Thieves' Cant.
One of the best places in the Web is The Olde Tavern tales.
The Net Wizard's Handbook Third Editions is available in Word 2.0 format.
A Ravenloft page.
Visit Morbia a great fantasy page where you can find some great information about Castle Lore .
Lord Damion's Fantasy Page is now running!
Kaymelak's home page has some interesting elven kits to say the least.
Role Playing game review home page.
Illana Du Midnight's Home Page
Nathan's Home Page
This ROTA: The Ring of the ArchMagi site owned by Enrique Pacheco.
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Internet Role Playing Shopping
Noble Knight Games seems to have stuff not available any other place.
The Sages' Guild has some great stuff and has always delivered the items I bought in the advertised condition.
I have just jound a new shop in Canada.
you can also find some items at Discount games Co.
This site and several sub-pages contains TSR-related things. I have no intention to challange TSR
in any way. This site is done only because of my love for their products and I will not make any profit
at all from it. Here is a list of TSR trademarks:
AD&D, Advanced D&D, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, Al-Qadim, D&D, DM, Dragon, Dungeon
Master, Dungeon, Dungeons & Dragons, Forgotten Realms, Monstrous Compendium, Polyhedron,
Ravenloft, RPGA, Spelljammer, TSR, TSR Hobbies.
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