Coming this holiday season.
You are orc number visting this land
since 12/5/96.
My son and I have played this game for many hours (just ask my wife). We believe this is one of the best games ever written for the PC. I plan to list everything about the game that I can find. I just added a strategy and Top Ten page. Be sure and check-out the links page. I have some excellant links listed on it. If you have some interesting information, just shoot me some mail.
If you want to hear an interesting song while playing Warcraft, press your enter key, and then key-n Disco. Or, use any audio player and play track 18. This is on the Expansion CD. Sort of a hidden feature from the designers.
Rating | Name | Description | Author |
**** | | Very tough! 2x editor used to create some tough obstacles. Keep in mind that Lothar is supposed to be Sir Daerth. (You cannot upgrade to a keep or better, but the things you need are out there waiting to be rescued... | Darren Eslinger |
**** | | So, you think that a solo game is no fun! How about you vs. FIVE computer opponents in a multi-stage scenerio? Start with a handfull of men and storm the first island (rescuing an army that you'll need to finish the job.) | Mark Berty |
**** | | Seek and Ye shall find. After being dropped off in a unknown area from your mother clan, you are to seek and form an alliance with the Black Horde clan. Help them find thier captured peons, because without them, you are doomed. | John Clopton |
**** | | You are the last of the remaining Red Clan. All that remains of your village is a lumber mill, blacksmith, and a foundry. You must seek help from other Hordes and escape the area you are lost in. Keep your eyes open! | John Clopton |
**** | | You, Lothar, and a protective archer are the only two left after a feirce battle with the Black Tooth Clan. You heard there was a small settlement close by. You need to enlist their help so that you can seek revenge against the blood thirsty clans. You have heard rumors of captured buildings and fellow humans towards the north and east. | John Clopton (son) |
**** | | Four enemy camps have been stirring up trouble in this sector and have NPC lookalikes. Destroy all enemies and especially the lookalikes. One "trick-of-the-trade" is needed to complete this pud. | Andrew Easton |
*** | | You Jared, Lord of Fresnel, must find and release the captured clan of Roscolux. In an attempt to foil any such heroics, the evil Orc overlord Mi’ya has removed the peasants of Roscolux and hid them in a secret retaining area. Scout in numbers. | Todd Ritter |
*** | | A 128 x 128 map, escape from confinement, build army and then destroy the enemy. Somewhat complicated with little room for errors. While you are busy escaping, the computer is building up its troops. A few rebel Orcs are willing to help you. Very interesting beginning. | Lustafez Estechio |
Pud viewer/editors:
War2xed is a robust editor. Very powerful.
War2Unit is a very strong unit editor.
Pudbrowser is a very basic viewer only.
Pudmanager keeps track of your puds.
This one is a brief utility for changing the names of the WarCraft II units.
Misc. Items of interest:
Here is an Orc MS Plus Theme set of files. Pretty slick for adding
Orc cursors/wave sounds to your Windows set-up.
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