Welcome to my page of emulators and roms. This is my first page so I'm not too experienced with HTML yet. But I would say that I have a few good roms. I've put them into little packs, so take the pack, unzip it, and then delete what you don't want. Each of the hyperlinks lead to a description of what is on the zip file, what the game is like, and later I will be adding a tips page for some. But right now, these are all I have. Check them out. You are visitor number
Super Nintendo Emulators and Roms
Nintendo Emulators and Roms
Game Boy Emulators and Roms
I haven't been doing anything lately, I've been in trouble for a little while now because of my grades. So You'll have to move on without me, as I will work to sneak in some games now and then. I'll be off soon, though.
And as usual...
If there's a link that's not working, please tell me what links. I've had some friends tell me that my links aren't working without informing me which links.
If you want to know more about me, click here.
Legal Stuff: Owning an emulator is not illegal, but if you have a rom for more than 24 hours, the FBI will find you. Well, you'll be breaking a law unless you own the real game, but the FBI won't get you. Another thing, don't package any roms with emulators. The people who made the emulators want to stay innocent and this might get them in trouble.
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for what you do with your roms. Don't blame other people like the McDonald's coffee women did. (She spilled that coffee, and it's her damn fault for doing it. "Waaahhh!! The coffee cup didn't say hot!!! I thought it was cold!!!" Gimme a break.)Remember, follow the rules and don't take away Nintendo's business. I will not distribute Nintendo 64 and Playstation roms. Soon, I might redirect you to a site that sells the games for low prices, though. It depends on whether they like my site or not.
© 1997 x2001@juno.com