Genesis Mud: Tolkien's Army of Angmar

Genesis Mud: Tolkien's Army of Angmar

You have reached the original Genesis mud web site for the Army of Angmar. This web site is now obsolete, and has been replaced by a new and improved web site covering the Genesis mud, and the Army of Angmar, based on the works of Tolkien in Middle Earth.

The new address for the Genesis mud web site for the Army of Angmar is You can click on the link to take you there if you wish. Once you are there, please bookmark that page and use it to enter the Genesis Mud web site, instead of this old link to the Army of Angmar.

If your browser supports this function, you will be automatically taken to the correct Genesis mud web site shortly. Otherwise, simply click on the link above to take you to the Genesis Mud website for the Army of Angmar.

Contact the Web master Deproelius, the Mouth of Sauron. You can also find Deproelius in the Genesis mud.