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          Tangram: Ancient Chinese moving piece puzzle, consisting of 7 geometric shapes. Learn its history, make your own tan set or try solving one of the shapes. We have great downloads for you and interesting links to explore. We also have the results of our contest and exciting new Tangram stuff for sale. Jump around the site by clicking on the links in the picture. Enjoy!

Win a book and more in our design contest

New Shapes - My friend Samir from Brazil has shared some of his great designs with us. Have a look ...

Tangrams - The Magnificent Seven Piece Puzzle is the great new Tangram book we're offering. Much more than another collection of the classic tangram shapes, Barbara Ford explores the creative design possibilities of tangrams in quilting, painting and other crafts.
Find out more ...

One day I did a search for "tangrams" on the 'net. I couldn't find what I wanted, which was a good collection of figures. Hmmm...! What a perfect opportunity for a beginning web page builder with an interest in tangrams ... :-)

I hope you enjoy these Tangram puzzles, they have entertained me many times, places and ways. If you have a silhouette to contribute, a new site or have just been entertained, please, e-me below. Thanks to all the people who have already sent me figures to add to the collection.

Holy cow! Who would have thought? I made it into the newspaper, on to TV and ended up helping put together a Tangram puzzle package for Carlton Books of England. Unexpected rewards for playing around with this site. BTW, thanks for all the kind comments from those people who have written me. Screenshot

Finally, a few credits are due. If I missed anyone, again, e-me and it will be fixed.

To heck with numbers,
You are an Important visitor here.

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Please, use whatever you want from these
pages for fun and learning (just credit me)
If it concerns money, talk to me.

© Created Oct. 04, 1996. Updated September 27, 2003 Copyright 2003

This site created and maintained by Randy.
Send questions and comments to randy@tangrams.ca
Ink well and feather pen