Ryu & Ken Double-Power Hadouken! HADOOUKEN! A green line!

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Oooohhh... it's been a long time since I really had an update. Nutz... Sorry guys... didn't mean for this site to fall into disarray. But I guess life is moving faster for me, now that my schooling life is coming to an end, and I'm gonna open new doors... :-o

Still, I do have to say that my Street Fighting spirit remains strong and present! I currently own a import Street Fighter Zero 3 and finished the World Tour not too long ago. Man, this game totally ROCKS! If you like SF, get it. Don't believe me? Just drop by any of the games magazine sites to reaffirm my claims. :->

Good things must come to an end... so, I might be closing down my site (for good? for a break? who knows) soon and probably when I get the time, I'll fix up a newer and more intuitive website for y'all! So keep a look out! :-D

Last thing... it has come to my attention that someone (or many some people) out in the Net has been caught using my images (even my main background!) without my consent... although the images on the Net are considered free domain, I still would appreciate if those people will tell me that they want my images. So, you know who you are... be advised.

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Drop by this area for the latest thingys that I've collected from all over the Net. From the latest SF news to my newest surveys and other related stuff! So com'on down and get updated on my page - my sound archive is up! Click on the cool Akuma pic below!

Akuma shows new stuff


Please take note... as I do not have the chance to own a Saturn, all my comments given in this page are attempting to be as neutral as possible and should anyone feel otherwise, please do not surf here!
Here are the few top Arcade, PSX and PC beat'em-ups which I played lately (Here goes my money!):

My own Favourites of Fighting Games
Game Name Platform Comments
Street Fighter Zero 3 PSX The Reiging King of Capcom Fighters for PS!
Gran Turismo PSX Not a fighter, but NOTHING beats this game for replayability (in my books)!
Street Fighter Collection 2 PSX Believe it or not, SF2 Turbo still kicks MAJOR ass!
WWF Warzone PSX If you have a problem with this game in the charts... I've got 2 words for you: SUCK IT!
Dark Stalkers 3 PSX Time for bloodlust! Gallon and Felicia's in the house!
King of Fighters '97 PSX Iori... Kyo... Ryo... Robert... Terry... Joe... 'nuff said.
Marvel vs. Capcom Arcade Getting tired already...
Tekken 3 PSX I don't understand why, but King is much harder to use...
Dead or Alive PSX "Bouncing Breast" option off... No kidding. It's too distracting! :-7
Samurai Shodown IV PSX With KOF97 on the charts, SS4 holds on... weakly...

Managed to try out a beta copy of MSHvsSF(PSX) at a shop. Conclusion: SUCKY!
Can't wait for KOF98 (import) to be released - tentatively in 2-3 months' time.
Another game that came close to hitting the charts: Ridge Racer Type 4! GT killer? Nah.
May consider buying Beatmania (a DJaying type of game) soon...

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