
Welcome to my page! Use the bar above to navigate.

July 4, 2003 - Independance Day

I haven't updated my page in about a year and a half, so i figured its about time. I have done some new things and added them to the page. Check it out!


Some of the original pages can be accessed from the bar along the top of the page, here is a description, as well as a link to each:


Real World Stuff

Research - [here]

Well, I figured since I am taking the school forever career track I would put some stuff up about my research and how I am going to change the world we live in.

Hydroponics - [here]

I am studying for my pHD at Northwestern University now, so I am away from all my tools and stuff so I came up with another, apartment sized hobby. I have started a hydroponic garden, this page chronicles the details of this experience. Come on in.

Foundry - [here]/

Come and share my experiences with melting my parents gutters!  Not only did I melt them, I turned them into a working metal lathe, and hopefully a whole line of metal working machines, not to mention all the other things I can dream of.

Stang! - [here]

Stang is short for Mustang if you don't know.  It refers to the 2000 Green Mustang V6 that I have parked in the garage as I type.  I have done some minor modifications to my Stang.  This page is dedicated to following the modification progress that my Stang undertakes.  Feel free to email me about it.

Virtual World Stuff

Web Design! - [here]

Like many others, I do some web design work.  I have done a few pages for clients, and some for friends.  Contact me if you are interested in a new look for your web page, or are looking to start your online presence.

Remote Control! - [here]

Remote control is a program envisioned and designed for use with the PB Fast Media Remote Control.  Due to the frankly lousy program that is included with the remote, I designed this particular gem to make this silly remote useful.  This program has been tested with Windows 95/98, it will not work with Windows NT or any other operating system that you might have.  If you can get the mouse portion of the remote to work, then my program should work for you, although I make no guarantees.

UoSpam! - [here]

UoSpam was created for the lazy UO enthusiast, it was made before the days of Osi's recent nasty position on unattended macroing.  Now, it is still very useful, it is basically a macro program, although there is nothing basic about it, hmm, did that sound right?  To find out more, download it, you wont be disappointed.

3DWow! - [peek]

3DWow was my attempt to create a 3D graphics program, although do to my lack of formal training it is very simple now, and I don't have the time to spend on it that I did before.

Others! - [here]

I do actually have more programs, they aren't on this site because of the uncompleted nature of them.  but mostly what I want is ideas, give me an (or more than one) idea damit!

Thanks for your interest in my programs and my ranting, come back soon!


My Email: m-andrews@northwestern.edu

Info about: Me.


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By the way you are visitor number ,not that that makes you feel any better :)

Thanks for coming!

Web Page Last Updated: 7/4/03