With A Twist!!


The Allied Powers The Axis Powers
Many regard the USSR as one of the Allies weak links. However, in Batttleship Mode, the USSR can have a huge impact. It is not uncommon for the USSR to even take over Germany and a lot of Japan. With the right strategies, no one will cry anymore when they realize that they have USSR.
Germany is fun to play in this mode. You can assume the usual role of attack everything in sight, or you can confuse your opponent by moving your large force through Africa and Asia undetected. You can even try making Germany a naval power. Watch your opponents face when Germany attacks the US fleet in the Pacific!
Weak boy no longer. Because its forces are not seen by the opponents, UK can basically do whatever it wants. Fake having a huge navy but reinforce Russia instead. Make them think you have lots of aircraft, but laugh at the German player when you role into their capital with 20 tanks! HAHAHA
Speaking from experience, a good player can make Japan be the Allies worst nightmare. Use a carrier and a fighter to imitate a huge naval force and then use the actual navy to to attack Eastern US. A question that usually gets asked about 500 times is, "Where the heck is Japan's navy?!?!?!"
Being removed from immediate action, the USA can reak havok on the minds of the Axis players. Make Japan think that it is in dire straights, but instead pounce on the German Capital. In Battleship mode, the US is probably one of the most versitile player, along with Japan.

The Concept

In order to play this version of Axis & Allies, BATTLESHIP MODE, you need to have two boards. To set up the game, you need a large table; the bigger the better. Set the boards opposite each other, and the use the boxes from the game to partition the table so that the Axis can't see the Allies board and vice versa. It also helps to use both I.P.C. charts, one for each team. Each team sets up their pieces on their own board. My friends and I like to give each country a whole round of play with only noncombat movement. The player collects money, buys units, and places units as usual, but they cannot attack or move into any territory or sea zone that they don't own at the start or another teammate doesn't own. This one noncombat round really makes the battleship mode challenging because you don't know where the other country's units are starting, but only to a certain extent. For a more complete understanding of how this game works, read Rules & Suggestions

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NOTICE: This page is still under heavy construction. Come back soon and much more will be added, I promise. This is just a couple hours worth of graphic construction. More is on the way!!

This page has been accessed times since March 30, 1997.
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