SimTech2000's Intrests

Come here for game reviews of Daggerfall, Close Combat, Great Naval Battles, F22 Lightning II, Sierra Pro Pilot, SubSpace. Also, visit my Air Force, Thunderbirds, What is New, Quotes, MileStones, Awards and GeoLinks Pages!!!!!!!!! I am willing to give FREE help to you if you need help with your web site, graphics, or HTML. Just send E-Mail with "help" in the subject line. Visit Athens/Parthenon/1123 and Pentagon/4940 to see my other pages and what I can do. (links are provided at the bottom of this page in small print)

See my Banner !!!!!!!

If you see this banner

ANYWHERE, it is a link back to here

And if you see either of these two banners,

they are links back to my other two pages



Reviews for:

Close combat Daggerfall Great Naval Battles

F22 Lightning II SubSpace Sierra Pro Pilot


Flight Unlimited 95 RoleMaster Standard System

Main Pages

Secondary Pages

Go to my Quotes Page to see my Quotes, Sayings, and Headlines of the Day,

Check out this cool sailors song Earli' in the Mornin'.

If you listen to this it will get stuck in your head for hours.

Get the words to this song.

Download a program I have made using Borland Pascal. It creates 1, 10, 100, One Thousand, 10 Thousand, 100 Thousand, One Million, 10 Million, 100 Million, or ONE BILLION random numbers from 1 to 10. After it has finished, it will count up how many times each number from 1 to 10 has come up. You can also guess what number will be the last number to come up. I will eventually turn it into a lottery program.
If you would like to personally recieve any updates to it, e-mail me and let me know.

Geocities Guestbook

See what others have said, I have visited their sites too.

Let me know what you think and I will visit your site

PLEASE E-Mail me with any questions, suguestions, comments, problems, opinions etc... at

You are person number

to visit since April 4th 1997!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Links to sites or people that helped with this page:

The guy that helped me with my banner and other problems!!!!!!!
Zozzel at Zozzel's Place

The search engines that bring people here:

The LinkMinder WWW,Telnet and Ftp Links.60 Search Engines,a java based tour guide and an email reminding service. JTek Enterprises The Only Internet Based Business dedicated to helping other Businesses succeed online or off.

Go see this way cool banners, backgrounds and other art Page!!!!!

This site was created on March 26th
Last updated August 2nd 1997
Michael McIver

I am in GeoRewards!!!!!

Sign Up TODAY!!!!!!!

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