Hello and welcome to my page

Howdy, this is my simple little home page. Don't expect it to become a major internet destination, just a little place for me to put stuff that I feel like sharing. Right now there's not much on-site content, but there may be more at some unspecified future date. How's that for "deliberately vague so I don't ever have to actually update unless I want to"?

Here's my table o' links for your viewing pleasure.

Stuff on This Site
A collection of humor Some funny things I've gathered and decided to share
Some of my poetry A few poems I wrote several years ago
Pictures Fun with webcams, plus some other stuff
Who Was that Caped Man? An article about an overlooked aspect of Final Fantasy VII
Be Happy A simple little program I wrote years ago while bored

Stuff on Other Sites
Ongames A fun place where you can play trivia and word games
Evil Overlord What to do, and not to do, if you ever take over the world

Everything except non-original content is ©me. Author is not responsible for content of sites linked to or from this one.
Disclaimers are silly, but I can't think of a better way to end this page.