Due to the problems I had in getting this site to work and the long-term problem I had when I moved, I couldn't update the page as long as I wanted to. Sorry about all of the problems, but the site fully works now, so tell your friends to get some Sonic the Hedgehog-related fan-fiction up here on this site!
Just e-mail the stories to me at
Please pardon my electronic
dust...this site is under heavy-duty construction! More features will be
added later...
EmeraldForce is open during
What's the newest at the Media Center?
Finally managed to get some
other permission for SonicStories (welcome TJ Prower!!).
Also updated the links and
everything...they all now work.
Expect a better page setup
(much like SDD1) soon!
Please welcome the Sonic
Media Center (also called the Sonic Digital Domain II, or SDD2).
Even though not much is on the site yet, rest assured, that there will
be more features coming onto this site soon!
What's at the Media Center?
There's a lot of stuff that's going to be coming. Don't worry, 'cause there will be a whole lot more stuff than what's here now! So, for now, take a look to see what I have!
News Archive (coming soon)
The Fanfic Archives:
See what other Sonic fans have been
doing in their spare time...making Sonic Fan-Fiction (Fanfic for short).
These are stories made by Sonic fans, for either the regular Sonic universes
(whether it be the video games, the cartoon shows, the comic books by Archie
and Fleetway, or their own universe).
So far, there are only three.
This will change real soon!
Story Title
(click to view SonicStory) |
Plain Text version
(click on link to view) |
(click on name to email) |
Virtual Sonic | [Plain Text] | The
[website] |
There's Snow Place Like Home | [Plain Text] | The
[website] |
The TJ Prower Story | [Plain Text] | TJ
[website] |
That's all there is for now, but like I said for several times, the library is open while it's under construction, and I've only have the foundation of the site! But believe me, the library will be huge!
Tell me what features you want on the page...send me e-mail at!!
SDD2 was updated Saturday, January 9, 1999 at 10:32 AM CST (4:32