A series of short stories based on Sierra On-line's The Realm.
Enter a world where danger lurks around every corner. Hidden within the pages of this tome, lie tales of high adventure, and incredible magic.

Tales of the Grand Realm
Naktos' Tale
Hear the tale of Naktos the Necromancer, a mysterious wizard who hides deep beneath the realm, searching for the secrets of life itself.
The Tale of Tulor the Terrible
Tulor the terrible once a chosen of one of the gods, now condemned to spend all eternity in the company of his four ladies. Listen to his tale and learn of his downfall.
Ezelberoth : Daemon King
Listen to the tale of Ezelberoth, king of daemons, and learn of how the daemons came to be amongst us.

Snicker's Tales
Wrath of Snicker
After being brutally beaten and left to die, Snicker plans his revenge on those who have wronged him.
Banshee's Curse
All is not as it seems in the Banshee's Wail. Why is the owner so frightened? And who is the mysterious woman who appears on the same night each year?
Daemon King
A new evil has spawned in the deadly Killing Fields. Will the people of Kurz be able to defeat this new threat?
Covenant of the Druids
Who are these mysterious healers and why have they remained hidden for so long?

Knightshade's Tales
The Daemon of Fire
Sent into the forest to find two missing children, Knightshade finds more than he bargained for.
The Battle of Ratling Run
Hideous undead begin to invade the Run. Will a handful of adventurers be able to stop them before Leinster is invaded?
Evil Beyond the Mists
With the aid of the mighty warrior Rorke, Knightshade must infiltrate the camp of the enemy itself.
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Tired of reading about it? Want to be a part of it? Very well. Sharpen your sword. Memorise that spell. And...
I owe a big thank you to Andos for letting me use the above banner. To find out more about his Realm character, take a look at his realm page. To learn why the banner was created, click here.
Also be sure to check out this fabulous fantasy page, with stories, games, song lyrics, and lots more. Definitely worth a look.

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The Realm is the sole property of Sierra On-Line. Some of these pages use graphics taken directly from the Realm, although some have been modified.

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