My Strand on the Web

Somewhere beyond the Pasture

This site is always under construction! It is constantly evolving :) If you have anything you'd like to add, or comment, just let me know... my E-Moo address is at the bottom...

How Do You Rate?

Oh My Gawd! The bridge has washed away! Ack, we're all going to die!

Hrm... oh, just a mis-directed camera. Oh well... no cause for alarm ;). More highway pics can be found here.

My latest pic - June 16th, 2000. Let me know what you think (other than how bad I suck at taking self pics).

Do you like Britney?

Back in early March 1999, I went home to Boston to verify that my good friend Julie would go through getting married to Scott. I also needed to meet Scott, to make sure he could keep her in line ;). Anyway, they make a lovely couple, and I hope they spend the rest of their natural lives together :). Here are the pics to the wedding.

Pics, Stats, and more...
I've started working on my story page, so feel free to browse through... it isn't done yet, but at least there's something there...

Last summer's regional IRC Get Together was a great success. I got a lot of pics, and you can see them at here. GT pics from Summer 1998 are located here.More information on #gayseattle event can be found here

For all those that DON'T already know me from IRC, I can usually be reached on EFNET under the nick Bovinium or Cow-Boy. If you see me online, give me a Moo! :)

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