Antidiluvian's Home Page

Life is unworthy of life. Maybe, in ourselves, we find the darkness that diseases everything humanity will ever touch. Our hearts are mere tokens of being, our souls controlled by apathetic puppeteers. I look across the world, and I see nothing that brings me a hope, nothing that alleviates the agony of being a life on this earth, in this world.

But maybe there is something more than I could ever understand. Maybe if i opened my mind enough, I will find the knowledge, the keys, to open the doors of reason, to find what we are all searching for: a meaning. I believe in God, but my God may be different from yours. My God speaks to me of something else, a reward if I am to be someone here that I cannot be.

The lives that we have chosen to lead, where will they take us? Maybe we theorize about the end too much, and we allow our minds to fear and to control, instead of following instinct and desire. It is hard to live a predetermined existance, and not know the outcome. Perhaps, I should wait for the sun to come out from behind these clouds, and allow my outlook to obtain a faith I lost long ago.....

before i go any further i must give a special thanks to my friend Skittles who has helped me build this page, teaching me, patiently i might add, the ways and hows of HTML and building a page....she has tolerated my wanting and has made everything i wanted possible...just having recently met her, it am thankful for such a gift that has fallen into my life....




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