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About Dave Neo Ghim Khoon.
Hello! My name is Dave Neo Ghim Khoon. This is my first time creating a homepage. Hope you can bear with the simplicity. First of all, let me talk a bit about myself. I'm now a Diploma in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Graduate of the Singapore Polytechnic. Three years of hard work finally paid off. Just thinking back, all those times of sweating and buried in books were worth it. Soon, I will be in the army with clean-shaven head and looking as smart as ever.
My hobbies include playing soccer, jogging, body-building and best of all, sleeping.
My idols include the following people:-
My Parents
- Senior Minister Mister Lee Kuan Yew
- Zhuge Liang ( From the Romance of the Three Kingdoms)
My enlistment date is 25th of June, 11.00am at the CMPB. My camp would be Nee Soon Camp. Not far from my place, just have to change two buses. Don't know how the training would be like. Heard that it is going to be very tough.
Furthermore, I would like to take this chance to thank all those people who had took the trouble to wish me good luck. Thank you.
12th of August is my Passing Out Parade (POP). Quite a lot of my friends were there including my parents and some relatives. I was very happy because a lot of people were there to cheer me on. I will be posted out soon. Finally, the Basic Military Training is over. Now for some Advanced Training.
I have been posted to HQ Guards at Dieppe Barracks. It is opposite Khatib Camp and beside Sembawang Air Base. It is a nice place with nice people except that the workload is very demanding. For all your information, I am presently a clerk there. Just all because I have a back problem. Really hope my condition will be better so I can be at the combat side. Life is tough as due to the shortage of manpower, I have to do a lot of things alone. Like typing four meeting minutes plus agenda in one day. Doing registry and general work altogether. Really stressed out but someone has to do the job. So sometimes have to jog to forget everything.
3 Oct 97: Yesterday night, I went out with someone for dinner. It was a very nice dinner and also a very happy day for me. She was wearing the necklace I gave her a few years back. In all my thoughts, I would never have expected her to wear it but she did. I was so happy then. I also never expected myself to not been able to forget her. So useless. But I have never regreted all this. Hope one day, she will find the guy she loves deeply. She might be reading this now but I hope she will not mind me saying all this. If she mind, hope she will e-mail or phone me to tell me.
25 Nov 97: Yesterday night was one night I would never forget. I went to see Jacky Cheung's with a girl. She is the girl whom I have mentioned on 3 Oct 97. It was a very happy night. There were many reasons. Firstly, Jacky's musical play was marvellous. All the casts put in a lot of effort. All the love songs, I'm so immersed in them. I can think of no better words to describe. Just great. Secondly, the person who you are watching with is also very important. We chat and laugh just the way I like it. I feel that just being together with her is enough. The only thing I regret most was that I'm late in meeting her. At least I could have spent a few more minutes with her. Will there be any chance that one day she will accept me? I guess I can only prove that with my sincerity and my faith in my dreams.
25 Dec 97: Today is Christmas Day. What a day...... Just recieve her Christmas Card. I have been waiting for this card for a long time. Let's see what she wrote. Very disappointing. If only I had not wish so much for this card, maybe the sadness will not be so great. There is no more chance for the both of us. I wish her happiness and everlasting love in the future. I also wish for myself to have a new beginning in the coming New Year. ( I had meant to write out the contents but I guess it is not appropriate.)
11 Apr 98: Got to write something for this new year. Let me see, what should I write? For this year, I can say that it is a new year and a good year. I am starting a new life and a new goal. I also did apply for local University study this March. Wonder how the result will turn out? What about my new dreams? Ah...... I thought I never find her.
07 Jun 98: Yesterday was probably a day I will not forget. At 0800hrs, I went for a swim with my superiors and colleagues after which we fall out at 1000hrs. Then I went home to prepare for my next date. I watch with her. She is someone who has given me encouragement when I am sad or down. Especially that time when I got the letter from NTU, I was not able to get in. She wrote me a letter and made me a bookmark to encourage me. Even though it was only a letter and a small bookmark, it was a representation that she was there when I needed her. We were happy. Especially that we were able to spend two hours together before the show. During the show was great too. We exclaimed on the special effects and other stuffs which made the day a happy day. At 1830hrs, I left her as I have to watch concert with my pals. The concert was fun too as there was almost a full house and the songs were very nice indeed. Even better than what my friend has sang in camp. I really had a lot of fun there. After the concert, we went for supper at "KOPI THIAM" at the Meridan Hotel. I guess we spend more than one hour there. After which we went home at around 0200hrs on 07 Jun 98. Can you guess how very tired I was? But I am very happy. I never had such fun for a long time. Thank you, my friends. You have really created a very special day for me.
10 Jun 98: I guess I have to be truthful now. I love this girl a lot when I first saw her on 14 May 94. It was love at first sight. I thought it was infatuation but later discovered it was not. Every movement of hers captivated me. She was just the girl I had dreamed of. But all came to none on her birthday. I hope I can forget her but it was no use. Until now, I still care a lot for her. Especially. Now when it comes to other girls, I do not know whether I like them because of the things they have done for me or out of love. Recently, I have discover her. She was there all along. I can pour out everything to her unlike other girls but the thing is still there. I will not want another setback anymore. It took me a very LONG time to get over it. A very long time.
21 Jun 98: I watched yesterday. It was a comedy and I had lots of laughs. There was only one part that I couldn't laugh and yet a lot of people were laughing. Even my friend was laughing. The part was when Leslie said he was going for an operation and he wanted to become a woman. I don't understand what was so funny about it. Anyway, the whole show was nice, in par with .
11 Jul 98: The more I think of it, the more I cannot take it. But what he said is true, I am only a poly student. I cannot even get into University. But I will not give up. He has given me enough motivation to succeed. But I will need to give up all my friends who has succeeded in getting into U as I do not want another friend to tell me the same thing.
25 Jul 98: Yesterday, I have just went to the NUS Jam and Hop. In the beginning, it was fun with the Beauty Show and the performance by the students. But then, dancing time came and it was not so fun. The music was not so nice and nobody knows how to dance to the music. So overall, the Deejay is at fault since he cannot get the crowd going. But then, it was ok. At least the starting part was good. Then today, I have just watch which starred Aaron Kwok and Ekin Cheng. It was quite good except that it was not following the true comics story. Tomorrow, I think I will watch . Being alone is not so bad after all. At least you can go to whereever place you like and need not think of anybody whether they will like it.
03 Oct 98: Yesterday, I have just went to see "STOMP" perform at the Kallang Theatre. I must say that they are a comical and talented group. Although it only last two hours, the whole show was funny. I guess if they were to perform again in Singapore, you friends out there should really go down and have a good time enjoying the performance.
04 Oct 98: I have just viewed my guestbook and I hope you friends out there. PLEASE do not play any jokes on me. If you really wanted to sign, I am very happy. If you are bored and wanted to vent your boredom on me, please stop. And don't ever let me find out.
24 Dec 98: Tomorrow will be Christmas Day. And one more year to go before I ORD. I had just returned from my overseas Exercise and the experience was great! What knows what may come? Have to put more effort into my life now. Today, I went to my best buddy's place to celebrate Christmas. We had steamboat and played cards until 0400hrs in the morning. Wow, these girls really had all the energy. Thanks, A_ _ _ e, for the steamboat dinner. It was one Christmas which I cannot forget, maybe because of the delicious food there. You know, I am someone who rather appreciates good food. Of course, the company counts a lot. Thanks a lot, J_ _ _ _ e, L_ _ _ _ g, P_ _ _ _ i and Q_ _ _ _ _ g. Plus A_ _ _e's family.
19 Feb 99: Had watched today. Touching Love Story. The story was quite unique, unlike any love story I have seen. He was a being from another world and loved a woman from our world. Vice Versa. OK, a love story but then, unbelievable.
21 Feb 99: Chinese New Year. Most of my friends were here visiting. Guess they had made a fruitful trip. She had told me she injured her ankle. Just like that, I am scared that her condition may get worse. The saga continiues...........
8 May 99 to 28 May 99: J_ _ _ _ e and L_ _ _ _ g went on a tour of Europe with their friends. How much I wished I could join them but then life's like that. They must have enjoyed a lot now with their friends. Holland, London, Germany, etc. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The more I say, the more I wanted to go. Just too bad, does not have the courage to spend that kind of money.
4 Jun 99: I was having dinner at Marche with A_ _ _ e, J_ _ _ _ e, L_ _ _ _ g, P _ _ _ _ i and R _ _ _ _ _ a. The place was at the Heeren Shops, you know, where HMV is. Quite special with the settings. You get a card and then you go around to the respective counters to get the food you wanted. They will slot your card through the scanner and then you pay at the end of your dinner. Then we went to the Borders Cafe for some coffee. J_ _ _ _ e and L_ _ _ _ g were showing their photographs of their countries visited. Wow, it was really something. Very special. Seeing their photos made me want to travel too. But then, would have to wait after I ORD. But then, who would be free to go with me?
3 Jul 99: Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore. Was there with A_ _ _ e, J_ _ _ _ e, L_ _ _ _ g and P _ _ _ _ i. Guess all of them enjoyed the stay. Even I never expect that the stay will be so fun. We played Playstation in the afternoon and then evening came, we went to Carrefour to buy some cup noodles, Hooch, whisky plus burgers from Burger King. Back in the room, wow, I had ate so much. My stomach was bulging. And we continued the game again. With A_ _ _ e's camera, we were crazy taking shots of any place we can think of, facing the outside, toilet, wherever you can think of. And again like last Christmas, they were chatting away until the wee hours of the night. As there is a Half-Marathon the next day, I could not join them and had to sleep early. But then, half-asleep, I could hear their laughters throughout the night.
20 Jul 99: Met the girls again to show them the photographs taken at Pan Pacific Hotel. Was astonished of the numerous junkfood we saw in the pictures. We really ate too much there. Tonight, we had steamboat at Scotts. The food was not that nice, even refilling of the soup, you have to do it yourself. We then had coffee at Coffee Bean, they talked about their life in Anderson Junior College. It was amazing at what 10 fishballs can do to a person. Their tutor who uses chalk like scatching the board. And a lot of other things, it was really something just by listening. We had also talked about the cartoons we seen in our younger days. I had thought I was the only one who would watched that kind of cartoon, but then really frog in the well, they had watched far more and could even describe. From Transformer, Masks to "ภืองอ๕", one thing we could talk so much.
31 Jul 99: The National Day Parade 99 Preview. Fabulous! Simply Marvelous! I was there with a group of friends and I must say it was good company. The fireworks was the best. So near yet so far. You could hear the booming strike through your hearts. Yet, my friend yawned. Hey, V _ l, guess you never expected me to see that. (Please do not kill me for writing it down, PLEASE..........) Anyway, as this was the first time I am watching at the Stadium, I guessed that was what was making it so special. It was certainly an event not to be forgotten. Afterwhich we went for dinner at Far East Square (Hope I got it right), then some drinks at Bubble Tea at Bishan.
13 Dec 99: What a day! Today, I went to the Singapore Zoological Garden with Z_ _ _ _ _ _'s sister, M_ _ _ _ _. It has been so many years since I had been there but then, it was great. It was really very satisfying to see all those animals. And the best must be the animals' shows. Very funny. Had a very happy time there.
31 Dec 99/1 Jan 2000: A splendid day! To start off with, had gone back to camp to attend my ORD function in the morning. Not much to eat, but was there to collect my plaque and visiting some old friends. Thereafter, it was 's time. In case you do not know, it is a wax museum whereby famous stars or leaders' wax figurines were displayed. It was great. The figurines were lifelike to some extent. Had spent one whole roll of film taking with all the stars and leaders. Then, I guess you could have guessed the next happening thing in the evening. We went to Orchard to join in the . Ops, I forgot to tell you who I went with. It was F_ _ _ Q_ _ _ _ and F_ _ _ T_ _ _ . We went to Olio Dome first to have our dinner. Soon after in the night, we went to meet their friends to start off the Swing. Their friends very happening and funny. Currently, too concussed cannot remember their names. If you know, please tell me. Anyway, we were at the cross-junction at Shaw Towers. Gurmit Singh was there and he was one hell of a laughter. The countdown was the best. It hit the climax and everyone was just hysterical. We danced all night until 2.00am where we all went to 7-Eleven to get some drinks. Somemore, they all proceed to MacDonald's to buy "Hello Kitty". After sitting in the middle of the road to finish their supper, we then proceed to Boat Quay by walking. Just imagine, from Orchard to Boat Quay. I am really impressed of myself. Then, we were sitting where Big Bird was and chatted there. We were talking practically of everything and it was funny, great and interesting. At 7.00am of the new millennium morning, we advance to Lau Pa Sa to take our breakfast. I guess that was it. Everyone was too tired to do anything. We had to get home to catch up on our beauty sleep.
25 Jan 2000: After resting for so many days, I guess it is time for me to find a job. I got it today, currently as a Management Support Officer in the Insitutute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Singapore. Not much to do on the first day anyway.
25 Jan 2000 to 24 Jan 2001: Friends, I have finally endured a year in IMCB. Time to get on with life outside! There has been ups and downs working there. I must say I have a great boss initially but then he left for better prospects after I was there for 8 months. The day has come where I am doing the same thing. Check out the farewell note I left for my colleagues below.
Dear Friends,
It comes with great sadness that I have decided not to renew my contract for the upcoming year, but after many sleepless nights I have found that this is the best decision for myself at this time, due to other higher priorities in my life, including at the top of the list, my parents, whom I want to spend as much time with as possible. If the opportunity in the future allows me the time to re-engage with the institute, I will assess that at a later time. Today will be my last day at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore.
Been in the Director's Office, we have faced numerous setbacks but then they were greatly overcame. Since then, we've grown--but not without the help and support of everyone in IMCB.
Nontheless, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone in IMCB for allowing me the opportunity of making great contributions for the past one year. In this amount of time, the entire institute has grown so much individually and scientifically, as I know I can't speak for myself here!
Once again, I want to thank you for your support and tell you what a pleasure it has been to have served as Management Support Officer for one full year. I am very grateful to all who have given me their guidance and knowledge - the Director, PIs, Post-docs, students, fellow non-acad staff.
For those of you who do not know me, I was in Chris' Office supporting him. You can always see me running about in the institute. The guy with the yellow hair!
Anyone wishing to contact me can do so by e-mailing to my home address at daveneo.geo@yahoo.com.
I wish you all the best and hope that we can stay in touch.
24 Jan 2001: First day of Chinese New Year. Nothing much. Visited my grandma and all relatives. Very fruitful year, I must say. A great gathering too for the whole family!
25 Jan 2001: Very happening today! Went house to house visiting new friends' house. Well, first, we went to B_ _ _ _ _ _ n's house, followed by V_ _ _ _ _ t's place. Well, we were there offering good wishes to the parents and also to have a gambling time there. Know many friends there, they were J_ _ f, B_ Q_ _ _, C_ _ J_ _, J_ _ _ _ _ e, G_ _ _ y, E_ _ _ _ e, J_ _ _ _ h, L_ _ _ _ n, L_ J_ _ and A_ _ _ _ a. Of course, after that, we went to B_ Q_ _ _'s place and then to C_ _ J_ _'s house. Then, they came to my home and finally to J_ _ _ _ _ e's and L_ J_ _'s house. It was gambling all the way for them but then, it was really a very fun and spectacular outing for myself. I really enjoyed myself a lot.
26 Jan 2001: Talking about new friends. I forgot to mention some friends I know. Well, they are Y_ _ _ _ e, L_ _ C_ _ _ _ and S_ _ _ P_ _ _ _. B_ _ _ _ _ n's colleagues. They are a fun bunch and going out with them is never boring.
01 Jan 2002: The new year! Again! Sigh...... what has happened in Year 2001? Well, I don't really know...... I am in my insurance job and still as busy as ever...... wonder how I got past the year too? However, one thing I am sure: I learnt a lot of things, from dealing with people and also relationship...... I was helping out with a friend's wedding and something came to my mind. What have I been doing all these years? I feel I have not accomplished anything big in life and I have not even started on my savings for the future yet. Well, I can say that Year 2001 is a year whereby I suffered a lot but learned many important things in life. Hope this year will be a better year for everybody. Cheers......
26 Feb 2002: Today is the Chinese Valentines' Day: Yuan Xiao. Cecilia and I are together on this day. I normally don't believe in fate, but this time, I must. It just comes naturally. Words cannot describe my excitement and happiness. Wanna see who she is? Jump in the pool......
31 Aug 2002 to 8 Sep 2002: My first China trip. I was thinking of low-end services and toilets without doors, BUT I AM SURPRISED!!! You see tall buildings everywhere. Even big shopping centres with sizes like Carre four, Singapore.
You have to see it to believe it. If everything were to go well, China can easily replace all major ports as the main (biggest) port in Asia.
Of course, this business trip is not without some shopping. I brought back a Nine Dragon Seal , inwhich you may want to view it in My Photos Pool.
Genius' Philosophy
Better that your enemies overestimate your stupidity than your shrewdness
Thank You
Thank you, Merlin, for pointing out the mistakes that I have made.
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