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Welcome To The Civil War: Battle Of Gettysburg

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This is a site devoted to helping educate the common person about the Civil War and one of its largest battles, Gettysburg! One of the largest battles in all of American history in wich Americans fought Americans ia a bloody battle over slavery and states' rights. Over 3 million fought and approximently 600,000 died. Please explore and enjoy the site!

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{short description of image}Overview of The Battle Of Gettysburg

On July 1, 1863, one of the bloodiest battles of the United States was the Civil War which began at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. A large regiment of Confederate troops were led by General Robert E. Lee. This group of troops drove back General George Meade's Nothern forces in the beginning, but meade played a strong defense. After two days of fighting, Lee was still unable to break the Union line. He decided to send General George Pickett and his troops on a charge at the center of the Union defense. More than three-quarters of Pickett's force suffered severe casualties, and then charge was repelled. This ended the battle. On the night of July 4, the Confederate Army began its retreat to Virginia.
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{short description of image}The Horror Of WAR!

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This document maintained by CivilWarGuy@hotmail.com.
Mike Kaufman & Aaron Salis