Playing: Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Breakthrough ... STILL. J/K - Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection came out for PSP so..
Watching: Paradise Kiss
Music: Aka no Seijaku by Ishida Youko
Mood: Watched so much anime, took a small break, watching again though..


VG Cats

7:57 PM PST 9/19/06

Myoujin YahikoWhew, I see it's been two months since I last updated here. And here is my small update for the year? =P. Heavily watching anime and also heavily playing Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection so PC games and most console games are out of sight, out of mind at the moment. Kinda getting bored though cause there isn't really anyone for me to play against and I think I've mastered enough characters that I will be able to remember already so I may be moving towards playing something else or getting back to MOH.

As usual, updates to anime and game page. Guess I should update the music one too. And a surprise, updated link in the MaDROM page with the help of Amiga. I didn't know what the new webpage link was! Honest!

9:55 PM PST 7/20/06

Oh woo, lookie here, I am actually updating the website on a semi-regular basis. Just a small update of what I'm doing now. Small updates to this page, anime page and games page.

I recently realized why most people don't use Geocities anymore. The pathetic 4.2MB hourly limit. So making my anime page or anything else on my pages more graphic intensive would basically ruin any chances for me at the moment. I'm looking into possible keeping this page as a portal that will link to my pages on another BETTER FREE HOST. It will take me some time to get motivated to do this again, but it will happen sometime.

One last thing, check out askaninja.com, it's hilarious! Ninjistics!

8:55 PM PST 6/18/06

Update 7/7/06: Well, after an excrutiating few days of going through CSS tutorials on the Adobe website, I managed to do all my pages entirely without tables. I also learned something about margins and padding, which is why everything looks so aligned as compared to before. I did nearly all of the website in coding through CSS and just manually editing the .html files.

Slowly getting the hang of Dreamweaver. It's such a pain to learn new software all over again. Then I remember all the quirks that comes with designing webpages like trying to create small indentations. (If you actually see what this looks like in Dreamweaver, you would see a whole shitload of tables and cells).

Well, other than that, I realized how futile it is keeping this website as frames since it seems overly complicated to do it in Dreamweaver than Frontpage. Most webpages no longer use frames anyway so hell, easier for me.

3:49 AM PST 4/30/06

Just cleaned up the webpage a tiny bit. Looking into fixing this webpage up again. Seems like I might be trying too hard to fix this page up still because I am looking into PHP and possibly Javascript. PHP reminds me too much of damn C++ but we'll see how it goes from here. I'm still alive by the way for anyone who actually still visits this page and still remembers me.

6:18 PM PST 8/24/04

Hah. I know I stopped updating. I got preoccupied during my summer with Ragnarok Online. It's a damn addicting game. On a side note, I finally got all of my old groups artpacks. You can find them in the arts page on the right side.

11:45 AM PST 4/28/04

Redid the layout for the art page. But could use a little more work to give it it's own theme. Man does school suck.

Anime list is here.