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Lil P's Nintendo site

Sorry, no N64 things are on this page except rumors

What's New


2 people so far have e-mailed me and asked me for VB games. I have a store near me that sells VB games. Mail me and I can send you games. They sell Japanese games and American.


More N64 Rumors!


I FINALLY got around to putting my Ogre Battle Review up! I also went away for New Years, so that's why there weren't any updates.


A new Nintendo rumor is up about an upcoming N64 game.....


I changed the review for the SNES (system review). Also, some Ignition Factor codes. I have signed up for hitbox. It's a counter cuz geocities's counter sucks :).

  • When you see (JP) in front of a game title, it means it is Japanese.
  • The stuff in brackets ( [] ) means when I plan to put things up

    Does anyone know wtf is up with my counter? I took it off cuz it went to 0000. Geocities better put my counter back on or else... umm... uhh... you get the idea :). I am changing my review scale to 1-10, not 0-6. People are used to the 1-10 scale. I will change all reviews slowly but surely. They will be rated on sound, graphics, control,and how fun the game is. Fun is really what you should look at. Also, I will give it an overall rating. PLEASE SIGN THE @#^$ING GUESTBOOK!!!!

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    My Friend's old N64 website. He doesn't work on it anymore, but you can see it if you want.

    My Warcraft 2 Site

    If you have any comments, suggestions, or find false information on my site, e-mail me.

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