Well I did it! I updated my page! WOOHOO!
Even better...I have whole second new page!! Its called the Gaming Plaza! Click here to go to it! Come on! Its COOL man! Do it! NOW!
I still have my Pokemon web page too, and it has been recently updated! So keep going on down to see my updated page!!
Welcome to our Pokemon Webpage!
Updated every day! Really! Last update: July 14, 1999
Yeah Yeah, I know I know. Im working on it.
This is the POKE PLACE! A webpage devoted exclusivly to the world of Pokemon! In this page you will find info second to none on Pokemon! We also have a list of Pokemon that is to be used for help on how to raise and use a certain type. So if you are new to POKEMON or are just curious, read the Pokemon History and the "Why is Pokemon so amazingly adictive" section first, then if you need Pokemon Info keep going down to find which Pokemon you need info on!
Pokemon history:
Nintendo created Pokemon in Japan several years ago. There were 3 three versions released. Red, Blue, and Green. Japan loved the game so much, it became a major fad. Pokemon games, shops, products, even food. Over night Pokemon became big business. Meanwhile, in America, things were very, very quiet. Only a select few of us knew about Pokemon. The few of us that were lucky enough to have known about it a year in advance got a sneek peak. Most of us that did had a Japanise friend or two that were into the game let us have a go at it... Even in Japanise, the game was exelent. But it wasn't till September of 98' that we got to know the full extent of Pokemon Power.
When Pokemon came out in America, fully translated and ready to play, we jumped at the oporitunity to finaly get our hands on the game that we so anxiously awated for a year. And it was worth the wait. The game proved to be everything we had hoped for.
Why is Pokemon so amazingly addictive?!?
This is a question every Pokemaniac wants to know. Could it be the creative, inovative seting and plot? Or is it the seemingly endless varity of Pokemon? The feeling of victory that comes with knowing you've trained better Pokemon than your opponant? Or is it that the Game Link Cable lets you challenge you friends to find out who really is Pokemon Master?

The List

THE source for uh... some Pokemon!
Here we go!
- Bulbasaur: Born with a bulb on it's back, scientists are unsure weather or not to clasify bulbasaur as a plant or animal. As bulbasaur grows older and evolves, the bulb on its back begins to sprout. Bulbasaur is a plant/poison Pokemon. Use it against water or rock Pokemon, But watch out for fire Pokemon.
- Ivysaur: The evolved form of a Bulbasaur, the bulb on its back has sprouted. See 1.
- Venusaur: The final stage of a Bulbasaur's evolution, the sprout on it's back has fully bloomed. See 1 and 2.

- Charmander: A small lizard Pokemon with a flame on the end of it's tail. It prefers hot places. This small Pokemon may seem weak, but not after you see it spit an amount of fire so large, it can toast a LOT of marshmellows. Charmander is a fire Pokemon. Use it against plant Pokemon, but watch out for lightning and water Pokemon.
- Charmeleon: The evolved form of a Charmander, this Pokemon is larger (and...uh...fireier..)then it's un-evolved form. To be near it's tail is unbaribly hot. See 4.
- Charzard: The final evolution of a Charmander is a Charzard. This large Pokemon is about five feet, and resembles a small dragon. His boiling hot attacks could toast even MORE marshmellows! Don't mess with this one! See 4 and 5.
- Squirtle: This tiny turtle may seem cute, but it's water attacks can be very effective if you aren't a compedant trainer. It lives near the water. Squirtle is a water Pokemon, so it works well against fire, rock and ground, but if your using Squirtle, don't mess with plant Pokemon!
- Warturtle: An evoloved form of Squirtle, this Pokemon looks much like it's unevolved form. See 1.
- Blastoise: This large Pokemon has two huge water canons on it's back! Watch out!
Smash Bros, a fighting game staring nintendo's most famous charactors was released last month.
Pokemon Pinball is out! Yay! After months of delays, the first gameboy color game with a built in rumble pak, Pokemon Pinball, was released yesterday!
This concludes todays Pokemon news. Stay tuned for further developments!
Guestbook Questions
Here we are....
Pokemon beenies, eh? Well I know for a fact that there IS a meowth out...I didnt see any others...they were sold out. Heh. Figures.
How did pokemon come to be? Im not sure, but a Pokemon book was released a while ago, but if you want the real thing, start learning Japanise!
Click here to go to the offical POKEMON website!
Pokemon Hangout: A good Pokemon site!