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I know there is not much real
information about me here...
forgive me, I am a rather secretive person. In the
future, I may reveal a little about my self.
For now, just take my word for it that I am Goofy....
Really Goofy!!!

If you wish to view some of the other image files
in my directory... you will get a better idea
of what I mean... hehe

look at other images in my directory

The Domain of Redmond Katier!



You are the th person to visit my page. Thank you for coming.
Visit this site in the future for some new ideas and updates. *smile*

This site is in its creation stage and is currently unable to perform fully or in part on MIE browsers.
After this site is in its farther stages, perhaps an imitation will be available for MIE.
I apologize for this incompatibility for now.

This site is currently under construction

This is an idea I am just experimenting with...

Have you ever wanted to teach yourself how to speak French???

Well now you can... just say... I want to learn French

I have temporarily ceased time spent into this project due to an
absence of response as to its need and interest...

I am currently working on completing this project...
Your comments, suggestions, and criticism are very welcome...
just mail them to

If you have any ideas or
comments that would support the completion of this site...
feel free to e-mail to me. I would appreciate it.





For those of you brave enough to venture into my realm...
I seek only those most worthy to enter my campaign of


If you are unsure of what AD&D is and would like to learn or get an idea...
you can play a Dungeons & Dragons Fast-Play Game.... RIGHT NOW !!!
grab about 2 or 3 friends and connect to this site...

NOTE: this on-line version requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or better to play.


If you are interested.... e-mail me at

If you were surfing the Times Square neighborhood
and think you are too good to visit my site, then...
Get Out of Here!... Fine!... Go! He He!
and have a nice day!