Hello my name is Peter. This is my homepage. I attent Fanshawe College and I am in the Electronics Engineering Robotics program.

These are pictures of my car and my home that is just North of Mitchell.
This is where I go on the weekends.

Some Pics in the shop Newest PICTURE
Original Pictures
This is my car , its a Chevrolet Cavalier Z-24 , from 1994, 6 cylinder, Fuel injection 3.1 liter.
I put in a carbine 5000 plus CAR ALARM that protects the hood, trunk, doors and any viberations, and has central door locks.
Nulandia Dairy farm
Some Pictures from the snow we got early Dec 2002
This is a picture of my family's dairy farm (2000), we moved here on August 24th 1996, My family built the dairy farm.
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CLICK HERE if you want to see the DUTCHIES flying through Montreal !!!!!!
CLICK HERE if you want to see my DOGS.
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If you have any comments or suggestions about my homepage, or just want to tell me what you think about  it, please let me know by mailing me at Dutchy_1@hotmail.com !!!!
This Page is still under construction, and probably always will be.