![]() | ![]() ![]() Snarf's Nine Inch Nails page of pleasure and pain. |
If you know the NINternet, then you know that most NIN pages out there are pretty
much alike. I'm not promising anything truly original, except that I actually acknowledge it.
Nine Inch Nails is a band I enjoy, this page is dedicated to it,
and i'm not going to get any more interesting unless you
are interested in NIN.
If you don't know who NIN is, then you probably don't belong here. But, if you're willing to
read my babble for the next twenty minutes, then you'll need to know the general definition. P&P is a
semi-online magazine that will be updated relatively frequently. As always you can mail your
comments, money, or toenail clippings to Snarf.
If you've come here looking for Ninternet Links, then you're at the wrong place. Why? because at
the moment, I don't have the time. I will however, direct you to a site that has the most damn NIN links i've ever seen: Pancho's NIN Page
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After a long depressing silence, he's back:About friggin time that boy got his ass in gear to release another full album. The Fragile is already getting some excellent reviews, and is climbing high on the charts. Fucking refreshing though, in these days of endless Backstreet clones and industry manufactured dimwits. He looked better with long hair, but so goes the celebrity riding the waves of pop culture. |
Marilyn Manson is probably one of the best known industrial/metal bands out there
today. With his freakish attitude, heart pounding music, and psychotic stage shows, Marilyn
Manson is taking in a very wide variety of fans. Trent Reznor helped Marilyn Manson get on
thier feet by letting them open for NIN, and releasing an album on NIN's nothing label. When I
saw Manson live (October 14, '94 - San Jose) open for em', they looked like some pretentious
psychotic wannabe-goth band that didn't
know how to please the crowd. Thier music didn't sound original, and he had an strange obsession
with a rubber penis and flacking on hippies. As far as I know, Marilyn Manson decided to get it
together on thier second album, Smells Like Children, and released "Sweet Dreams are made of
This", the Eurithmix song that put them on the charts. With his third - Antichrist Superstar,
he became known with his hit single "The Beautiful People".
I admire Reznor and Manson a good deal, both for thier song writing and thier ability to make melodies/lyrics emotionally disturbing. Marilyn Manson has good songs (and at least one damn good video), but I still don't enjoy them as much as I do NIN. Note: I don't want hate-mails regarding Manson as the god of industrial/metal, and Trent as a geek with a keyboard. I'm not saying that Manson sucks, and that Reznor is better. But I like Marilyn Manson. I like Nine Inch Nails. Manson was still playing in clubs when NIN came out with Pretty Hate Machine, and they still would be, if NIN hadn't let them release an album or two. Marilyn Manson's popular image has been shaped by his common audience and his stage-act (which is still just a performance, mind you). I mean, when you see actors in movies, you don't assume they're stupid or smart if they act that way. | ![]() |
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I read an article about Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam) in Rolling Stone that talked about him esentially
re-inventing himself to my generation, and how his life as a kid was actually comfortable, not
cruel and shaping. So, this article talked about Vedder being a great thespian, and how he
"fooled" his audience into believing he was a rebellious new singer with cool music that finally
made it after a childhood of repression. The point is, most stars have images, that aren't what
they truly are, and Marilyn Manson definately has an outrageous one that is believable to some,
but to others is fake.
In his silence of fame, Marilyn Manson became a god in the eyes of his fans, and Satan (I suppose that's the same thing) in the eyes of his enemies. They didn't know enough about him to humanize him or to bring him down from his throne of popularity. False rumors have been circulating for months of how Marilyn Manson has cut out his testicles, removed his own ribs, has aids, and was actually dead. His fans know less about him than people who've simply read about him in magazines. He understands that his imortality is purely the imaginations of his followers. In my eyes, Marilyn Manson is an angst filled Trent Reznor (yes, even more angst filled), that is not afraid to express himself, and now knows that our perception of something is shaped by what we don't know, as well as what we know. |
Ever since Nine Inch Nails became popular, it found itself a particular place
in the music industry; Industrial. Industrial is a techno-harmonic
beat that pounds into emotions, bringing them
out for better or worse. Sensitive listeners are usually sucked in, and
understand this music for what it is.
As a huge NIN fan, i've heard nearly every album that
Reznor has put out since Pretty Hate Machine, and they all, though varied, have
the same prying emotional aspect about them, that seems to reflect the inner
workings of the physical soul. Reznor incorporates many different sounds into
his songs, from whale calls to scraping metal, that he changes and morphs into
drumbeats and backgrounds. Nine Inch Nails is certainly a band that spends a lot of time putting quality into its albums. NIN has been the archetype for industrial music, and has been copied (sometimes well) to no end. Like any great band, nine inch nails has a distinct following, one of goths, punks, and NIN fanatics. Their music is commonly played in clubs, for it makes powerful dance beats. But still, the majority of NIN's popularity comes from its difference and originality. The direct anti-conformist message from Trent's music often hits so fast that it can make a conservative parent's head spin. The music has enough shock value to keep your intrest until the deeper value sinks in. For instance, I remember the first time I heard "Mr. Self-Destruct", and how the catchy rythm and lyrics sucked me in. After listening to it about fifteen more times I got the message; "Mr. Self-Destruct" is the representation of a posessive self-destructive personality and the traits that exist within it. It was right there staring me in the face, but my mind subconsiously dismissed it as something volitile for Trent to scream about. Often times, the messages are much more cloudy and hard to get. Most of his music talks about the soul of depression, the death of conformity and religion, anarchy, and the deep human instict that we all feel to just say "fuck it". In a way, NIN's music creates dense metaphors that reveal things about our lives, that we couldn't grasp without the initial shock value. We all interpret NIN's music a little differently, and that is the beauty of it; Nine Inch Nails is a form of inspiration to personal expression, and one hell of a ride. [PP] | ![]() |