Ring of Dragons!!"
Welcome to my main Dragon Ring page this is the page where you sign up to join my webring.
Guidelines for joining my webring:
1. Your page must contain something to do with dragons.
2. Your page may mot contain any vulgar language or anything that is not approite for children.
To add your sight to my Queue fill out this simple form and then add the code at the bottom of this page to you ring page.
For a list of current sites in the queue Click Here
For current ring members to edit their site info:
<P><!--START TABLE CUT HERE--><!-- Example code in table form --></P> <CENTER><TABLE BORDER=10 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="500" > <TR> <TH><A HREF="/TimesSquare/Alley/4523/dragring.html"><IMG SRC="/TimesSquare/Alley/4523/ring1.gif" HEIGHT=80 WIDTH=125 ALIGN=LEFT></A><FONT SIZE=-1> <A HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=dragon1&id=Your_id#&next"><IMG SRC="/TimesSquare/Alley/4523/ring2.gif" HEIGHT=80 WIDTH=125 ALIGN=RIGHT></A> <A HREF="/TimesSquare/Alley/4523/dragring.html">The ring of Dragons</A> site is owned by <BR> <A HREF="mailto:Your_Email_Address">Your_Name</A>. <BR> <BR> Want to join<A HREF="/TimesSquare/4523/dragring.html">The ring of Dragons</A>? </FONT></TH> </TR> <TR> <TH><FONT SIZE=+0>[<A HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=dragon1&id=Your_id#&sprev" target="_top">Skip Prev</A>] [<A HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=dragon1&id=Your_id#&prev" target="_top">Prev</A>] [<A HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=dragon1&id=Your_id#&next" target="_top">Next</A>] [<A HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=dragon1&id=Your_id#&skip" target="_top">Skip Next</A>] [<A HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?random&ring=dragon1" target="_top">Random</A>] [<A HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=dragon1&id=Your_id#&next5" target="_top">Next 5</A>] [<A HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=dragon1&list" target="_top">List Sites</A>] </FONT></TH> </TR> </TABLE></CENTER> <CENTER><P><!--STOP TABLE CUT HERE-->