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Last Updated 08-27-98

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This page is dedicated to Stars! What is Stars! you ask? Stars! is the ultimate Interstellar Conquest Turn Based (LAN, BBS, Email, etc) Game. Stars! is based on strategy and diplomacy. You need to be able to balance both if you plan on surviving for long. If you know of a long since forgotten game called VGAPlanets you are thinking of the right genre of games. Now take Planets and make it 100 no 1,000,000 times better. You come up with Stars!

Stars! is available as a free download (unregistered demo version) from the download section at this site or from Waypoint Zero the official Stars! homepage. Stars! is currently in version 2.70i (just released) if purchased from Empire Interactive. If you purchased your copy from StarCrossed Software your version will be 2.60i. Jump to the Stars! home page and you can find everything you need there. Stars! used to only be available via the internet, but the authors recently teamed up with empire Interactive (EI). EI is distributing the software while the Jeffs are still writing the game. So if you decide you want a registered version (and you will) check your local software store or visit the Empire Interactive Stars! Homepage.

If you have been around for awhile you may need to upgrade your version of Stars! You can download the upgrade patches for registered versions of Stars! 2.60b, 2.60c, 2.60d, 2.60f, 2.70, 2.70b, 2.70c, 2.70f, 2.70g, and 2.70h directly from this server!!! See below.

In case you have not figured it out yet I love the game Stars! I have tried and tried to get into other host's games with no luck. Every time I try I get a message back saying "Sorry the game is full." Well no more because I am going to host my own games now. Click below to see the description of the games I am hosting and the players.


The "I" patch has been posted for downloading. Get it now in the download area! (06-24-98)

The Stars! Notebook has been updated to version 1.9. Download this awesome utility now in the resources section! (06-23-98)

Please note the "Geoguide" at the top of this page. Because this is no longer powered by JAVA I have added it to this site. It allows you to rank my site (PLEASE DO!), visit sites like mine, and add a message to my guestbook, among other things! (06-23-98)

In my ongoing effort to make this website completely independent of the original site I am happy to report that the Games Running Section, and Download Section is up to date and completely moved over! I will get V2.6 update patches here soon. Until then visit the main site!(02-07-98)

I have posted a story about a game called Challenge Box. It is very interesting to read.Click here for the whole story (09-17-97)

Very Special Thanks to Alec Jenkins for the new graphics here on The Nebula!. He went through a lot of trouble, toil, and tribulation to create these graphics...Send him a note of thanks if you like them...(09-06-97)

I have included a listing of some of the comments I have gotten on my hosting. This is not to stroke my ego but simply to give you an idea of how I am as a host. I have played in games where the host was lucky to make 3 turns a week because they are so bad. Check these comments out!!! -->Click here(03-13-97)

If you have played in one of my games I ask you to take a minute and evaluate me using this form..Click Here. Do you have an idea for a game? Can't find the time to host it yourself? Use my Game Request Form to send me your idea!!! Click Here (03-25-97)

Are you hosting a new game? Do you have a story to share with others? Or do you simply have something you want posted about Stars!? Let me know. I have lots of room and would be glad to share it.

Please Select One of the Following Options

Games RunningFinished GamesNew GamesDownload UpdatesStars! LinksStars! Resources

Counterpeople have visited this page since May 19, 1997
If you have any suggestions or comments please email me at

This STARS! Network site is owned by

Dennis Stroer

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