Hello and welcome to the new AASL page, as all of you know this page is dedicated to tell the truth about the Shining Path terrorist group. This page is done by peruvians who love their country.
The Shining Path was founded more than 20 years ago by its leader Abismael Guzman, he was a teacher on a university in the city of Arequipa. There he recruited his students and tought them the maoism doctrine. There they learned the communist way of life and how to become terrorist machines. They are a very smart group, because their organization was base on cells. Guzman recruited a few of his students and those students recruited people and those people recruited more and so on. When the police captured one member of a cell that member only knew the cell leader, so it was very dificult to identify all their members. Their first attack was on Huamanga in the province of Ayacucho, they killed a group of policemen and a priest. The people were happy of this, because the government used to abuse them a lot.
When the Shining path grew, they were just killing everybody who did not agree with their way of thinking. They killed peasents because they did not wanted to join their revolutionary army. There were a lot of cases of the peasents been kill in front of their wife and kids, they also killed their animals and burned their crops. The Shining Path was supposed to deffend the people but they did not. Mr. Guzman or President Gonzalo practically brainwashed his followers.
When they got to the cities, they did more terrible things. They blew up electric towers leaving the cities without electricity for days. They also placed hundreds of car bombs throughout the cities, killing a lot of innocent working people. They did not do this to the rich and wealthy they did it to the middle class and poor peruvian. The Shining path claims that they deffend the poor but they actually kill them.
The Alliance Against Sendero Luminoso was created by a group of peruvian students. We were sick of all the terrorist propaganda on the internet, we could not believe how people were supporting the Shining Path. We read the news groups and saw that a lot of the articles in favor of the Shining Path were writen by people who are not peruvian. These people don't know the real story of the PCP and the AASL is here to inform the world about the real story of this bloody cowardly criminal group. The peruvian government is not doing anything to inform the public about the Shining Path. We as peruvians have the duty to deffend our nation, therefore we will and are doing something about it.
© 1997 themountie@msn.com