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Military advice for all C&C fans!

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An Introduction
Hi everyone! My name is Tino Pascual living in the Islands Philippines. You've just stumbled over my newly updated home page courtesy of Geocities. As you can see, this web site is to aid all those great gamers who need a little help in their arsenal of the Command & Conquer war games. If you need any technical help or the latest news from Westwood Studios, you can check them out at their website! Came here before? As you can see that the stuff are changing rather quickly. I'm constantly updating this website so come right back here to see new stuff! Notice there are sounds now as you load this website! Well, they are from the game itself! As you browse through this website, you'll find a cool one. Hello again Hayde! This home page is dedicated to her! Thank you to Janette Toral, WebSanta, Louie Mallari, Mygee Fernandez and many others! Soon to be featured ... Counterstrike, Sole Survivor! (slight delay!)

Cheats, Hints and Editors
You can browse or download the files below if you require some help for that particular mission in Command & Conquer or Red Alert! Note that the cheat files require decompression using Winzip or similiar software. You can acquire this through or at Also, note all files are not produced by me and I don't accept credit for them but I do acknowledge the ones who did make them by preserving their original content. To utilize the files after the decompression, read the readme text included. Remember! These cheat files are for those who are on the brink of throwing the game in the can. They are meant only for enjoyment and the breaking of frustration and not the game. I'll soon be adding more!!!

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Recent news! My chat schedule has been rescheduled to once a month and so far the current topic is all about Strategic Gaming. If you want to check it out, just come back often to see when will the next one be held.
To be announced!!!
For details, check out the profile!

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