"Individually, we are a ass, but together, we are a genius."

Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, and Neil Peart of Rush

Welcome to Sykosis' Junk Pages

And other stuff...

Male Hygiene and other crap. "What the hell?"

Gray is much easier to read than that shitty background I had on it before. Read on.

FUCK GeoCities

Now they put their banner shit in the middle of my page? What the hell is up with that? Sure it's free, but I already have a tons of pages, and if there's going to be a banner there, I sure as hell don't want it for someone's elses advertising. Fuck that. It's not like anyone even clicks on them, but should someone click on the one on my page I think the money should go to me! Fucking what is this? Some fascist regime? Ok maybe I'm taking it a little overboard, but wouldn't you get angry if people started posting billboards in your front yard without your permission? This was never, let me repeat, NEVER in the contract when I created an account years ago. They broke their contract with me, so I am not obliged to not swear and talk all the shit I want about them. And if they delete my account (which will happen some time...just a matter of waiting), it's their ass. Remember, YOU GeoCities broke the contract, not I. So to wrap up this bitch fest, I'd like to end with a warm message for GeoShitties. Fuck you, you fascist pig fuckers!

Hmm decided to put the GeoGuide (updated one) up. Should stop those damn pop-up windows on each page that has one....But I'm still not pleased about it all. I think a little banner is better than a damn pop-up. Also, I commented out the damn midi code. I think anyone who has a midi on their page should be shot. The load time stinks unless you're on a fast computer and connection (i.e. P2 300 and a T-1).

Wow I'm surprised the page is still here! I went to come look at it and I got a "not here" because I misspelled timessquare. Whoops! I figured it'd be gone by now though, guess not. Well all I have to say is, if they remove it on the gounds of either speaking my mind about Geocities, or because there's profanity, well you broke your contract. I remember when I signed up there was no provision for a) pop banners for YOUR (Geocities) sponsors, ONLY a "you may not have sponsors, those are reserved for Geocities". Never once was it said that they would advertise on OUR pages. Or if they're removed, well here's contract break b) that damn floating Geocities thing. What's with that? Are you guys so LAME that the required *1*. Let me restress that. The required 1 ad to join Geocities isn't enough? Well screw you guys. Whoops said it again. No wait, that was not profanity. Nevermind. Anyway, cheers to everyone who reads this. If you think I'm right or wrong send me an e-mail. Link is at the bottom. Love to hear from you guys. Or from Geocities .

Well duh I don't update this stuff much do I? Why bother? Geocities keeps getting more and more lame such that I wonder when it will end. First the pop up windows that beg you to hit their sponsor, now this floating little Geocities button. Screw Geocities. Now I'll just wait for them to revoke my account because I am speaking my mind. Tell you what, I wouldn't care. I'll say it again. Screw Geocities. Go to my other pages where I'm not censored at all! FUCK censors. Now I guarantee my page will be removed. I'm oh so hurt by this! Er I just need to vent some things. Anyone up for some AD&D or something over ICQ? I'll GM or play or whatever.

Iron Fucking Maiden again! September 15th!

Saw Metallica...yeah I know. Still was a good show. July 15th.

Iron Fucking Maiden! July 30th!

OzzFest! July 24th!

Fleetwood Mac on Sep. 17th was marvelous!

Rush concert May 10th was great!

I went to the Rush concert on the 27th, and it was absolutely AWESOME!

This site is under construction

Before I say anything else, let it be known this site is under construction. I will mostly be dedicating my time to the other pages of this site, but this one will get a face lift too...


6/11/02: Updating for the sake of updating. This is the entire update. You may now leave.

10/15/00: Added another concert. Was a damn good show too! Rob Halford opened it up, Queensryche played, and then Maiden came on. Incredible show. Plus, 3rd row seats rock!

8/6/00: Added the latest concert. Maybe I should put the years that it was when I went to those. Ya think?

3/7/00: Just removed a couple of links that died long ago but never got around to fixing. 'Bout it.

8/11/99: Not as much of an update as last time, but hey. Whatever.

7/27/99: It's been updated more than this list would lead you to believe, it's just that I haven't actually put them in here. So here's one to make it look like I'm doing something.

6/25/98: Like it says below, look up and you'll see. I removed the old update by the way.

3/10/98: Look up, you'll see the update.

11/15/97: Whoopie, another update. Just taking out some old stuff, modifying things here and there. If i get around to it, I'll add a few things to the other pages. For now, I am making sure that at least something on here is "new" and that I don't get deleted. I'd rather do my "major" things on my real site, since GeoCities is slower than a turtle crawling through mud a foot deep. Oh yeah, links updated.

8/8/97: Wow, some changes huh? I need to fix my code to GeoRewards which I will do today, and also notice (one or two people might) that I took out and fixed my list of updates. The only problem is that now I have to try and keep about two or three pages regular, and I have little time in which to do it all. I will try my best to do it though anyway. Well here's a little shameless plug. You can check out my other page at here. I have someone doing some stuff on that page, and my stuff should be up shortly. Anyway, maybe I'll get to adding some stuff here and we'll see what we come up with.

Final note: anyone wishing to help me set up and IRC game of AD&D or Rifts feel free to e-mail me and we'll set something up.

5/18/97: Cleaned up the page a little, nothing big. Just looks a little less clustered.

My Scattered Pages

Browse my RPG page...
Blow through my computer page...
The Rush page.
Sift through the junk page itself.
Get bodychecked on the sports page
The newly created (months ago) and thus not full Guns N' Roses page

In case you're wondering why the area given for the console is so small (if you're using Crescendo or such), is because Crescendo refuses to work, but the Netscape plug-in that comes with 3.0 works fine. The point is this: the extra gray space looks ugly, and if I don't like my own site when I look at it, then what's the point?

There used to be a midi on each page. Then I got smart and commented out the tags since they're annoying as hell, even if they are cool ones. So if anyone wants some kick butt midis, here they are, including what page they used to be on:

FF3 Overland music, main page
Music at the Atma Weapon in FF3 (?), RPG page
FF7 Battle music, Rifts page
Opera House music from FF3, my fav! CPU page
"November Rain", from none other than GN'R, you'll find the page if you look.

Miscellaneous links

Talon's Nest Also a mirror to this site since Geocities is slow. Lots of other "cool" stuff too.
Tracy Hickman's home page He's a great writer, and has a new book out with Margaret Weis called "Starshield Sentinels" They also have the next installment in that series out.
Visit Pepsi World on the Internet!
Check out Mark And Brian
SS Animation Gallery Cool animated gifs!

This site is best viewed while on crack.
Also best viewed with a computer and monitor.

Feel free to send me an e-mail if you like.

Get a free home page at Geocities.

Internet Link Exchange

Member of the Internet Link Exchange

This site was last re-built (thanks to a crappy browser) 11/7/96.

This site was last updated 10/15/00