times since October 12, 1996.
last update: August 17, 2008

*** R A M B L I N G S ***
August 17, 2008. It has been 5 months since I updated this page, let's see:
- Went to Paris during Spring, did the typical tourist things for half part of it, and hunting down food for the other half part of it. I find French food is great since I skipped all those pretentious expensive fine dining crap. I have to thank Mr. Bourdain for the pointers in his show.
- Excellent summer movies like Iron man, Incredible Hulk, Kungfu Panda, Wall-E and to top it all The Dark Knight, which is the best movie in 2008 so far.
- This is probably a good time to update this page before the fall season starts and with it all the cool TV series that I am following like Dexter, House, and Chuck. Well, once these series start in September, it is safe to say I will be pretty busy.
- iPhone 3G is going to be launched in Singapore within a month and I can't wait to put my grubby hands on it.
March 10, 2008. In just a blink of an eye, it is already March. Time did fly. Good things:
- I've gone back to reading again. Been reading up on Neil Gaiman's books, and having tons of fun with it.
- Home Theater project is going great, got my 360 and Wii hooked up to an 52" Aquos for gaming. Got a PS3 dedicated to play Bluray movies, Mac Mini to handle thousands of the songs I ripped from my own CD collections, all pumped into a Denon AV-3808. Life is good.
- I am now an Apple fan more or less. I still love Linux, but Mac OS X is just a joy to use. Most of the things are thought out with the user in mind. It really makes the time I have to spend in Windows hell.
Now the most annoying thing I have to deal with: Microsoft Outlook. Here's why:
- I've been a Thunderbird user since Thunderbird was on version 0.x. I always thought Thunderbird was a good enough replacement, until last month. Since I have to join the corporate domain now thanks to the recent acquisition, I am now forced to use Outlook. Now everyday, I have to wait 5 to 10 minutes after I double click that stupid Outlook icon before I can see my first email. This is an email that is on a local PST file, I am not even talking about downloading emails. I have no idea what the fuck it is trying to do over the network. Why can't it just let me see my fucking local content while it goes about doing all those shits?
- How in the world do I easily search my emails in Outlook? Is it designed for people with 40 emails a year? Because I really don't see how it will help me wade through my emails (I have average 25 emails everyday). Life is a bit better after I install Google Desktop to help me search my Outlook emails. Funny thing is I never rely on Google Desktop when searching emails in Thunderbird.
- Is there a way to ensure I will always write email in Plain Text? Whose smart fucking idea was it to write email using MS Word? Maybe Microsoft's way of thinking is, if you want to cut a piece of paper, you have to use a chainsaw.