Welcome to †he Içeƒå£çoñ's Lair


Beta test has been 'delayed' until December/January!

Welcome to my homepage! I've just recently moved in, so the page looks pretty rough (another factor is that I know next to nothing about HTML, just learnin' as I go :)) but hopefully this will change soon, as I have some time to figure out just what I'm doing :)

This page, as if you hadn't guessed it, is dedicated to THE biggest game, Ultima Online. If you don't know what Ultima Online is, or haven't registered for the Beta Test, please click HERE
If you would like to chat about Ultima Online with other future players, and would just like to see a webpage that kicks some serious booty, go to Andrew's UO Page. There, and on UO, I'm known as he Içeƒå£çoñ.. If you don't already know me, stop by and chat for a while!

What's New

(11/07/96)I moved my homepage to XMISSION from GEOCITIES for more storage space.
(11/07/96)Want some cool backgrounds? Click here to see some of my favorites.
(11/07/96)Get the ULTIMA THEME PACK 2.1 for Win95.
(11/07/96)The Rumor Bin is going up soon, so everyone please send all your UO related rumors to nya@geocities.com

Why Ultima Online Appeals To Me

Ultima Online to me is going to be the greatest in gaming experience. If you like RPG games, than this is probably the thing for you. In previous Ultimas, have you ever felt like not being the goody-goody Avatar? In UO, you can play however you wish. If you want to be a noble Knight in the service of Lord British, an evil assassin bent on power and wealth, or simply want to hone your skills at weaponsmithing and be a blacksmith, you can do it. Also, the main attraction for a game like this, is FINALLY, the world is alive. Instead of computer generated responses from NPCs, you get to interact with real people, thousands of them, at the same time.
Of course, with so many people having conflicting goals, conflict is inevitable, and I think will add a lot to the gaming experience. This is one reason why guilds have formed...

The Guilds

Numerous Guilds have sprung up across Britannia, even this early before the BETA test. Some guilds focus on obtaining power at all costs, some wish to uphold Lord British's rule, while still others seek to throw him down. What guild is right for you? That totally depends on how you wish to play.
For me, the choice is The Corsairs of Britannia. We of the Corsairs have vowed to make the seas safe for all Britannians, driving pirates and sea monsters alike from the shores of Britannia, while upholding Lord British's rule. For more information, simply click on here, The Corsairs of Britannia.
We currently need more members, and their are still many positions available. Ultima Online's ships are going to be quite detailed, going as far as to need crew members each doing seperate tasks, such as working the mast, manning the rigging, etc. If you wish to be a part of this organization, your companionship will be appreciated!

The Serpentis

The Serpentis, my ship, is a sleek warship. Even though it doesn't pack the punch of some of the larger warships out there that many others use, it's speed and manueverability by far make up for this. The Lieutenant is the talented Polar Kraken, who I will be relying on considerably in times to come. Crew positions for my ship still need to be filled, so if you wish to join us on our adventures aboard The Serpentis, write me here nya@geocities.com

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adventurers have traveled through this realm