Roberto N. Mejia's HomePage
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Hits since December 16, 2000
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Welcome To Roberto N. Mejia's HomePage

Hi, my name is Roberto Mejia. I'm from Queens,N.Y., but have lived in Guayaquil, Ecuador for 10 years. I lived in New York for six years and then moved onto Miami, Florida. After living in Miami, Florida for 2 years, I moved to Guayaquil, Ecuador. The best years of my life were spent in Ecuador, but after High School I decided to come back to my home state, New York. I chose Syracuse University because I feel that it is the right university for me. I'm majoring in Systems and Information Science with a minor in Management Studies and a minor in Information Management and Technology. I am very content with the facilities here at SU! Well, enjoy what this webpage has to offer and feel free to visit the links from this page.







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Organization's I've belonged to|Multimedia|Poems

My High School: Inter-American Academy

My University: Syracuse University

Comments? E-mail me at .

Thank you for visiting my home page. Have a nice day!!!

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