![]() View Guestbook - Sign Guestbook - Beat Up Guestbook I know what you're all thinking, "Where can I get my free pizza?" And of course the answer is, "There is no free pizza."
Wednesday, June 20, 2001 A's RULE!!! A's are gonna win the west yet!!! Thank you, that will be all. :) Thursday, May 24, 2001 Wow, I remember this page... I think. Well, whats been going on? I've been doing schoolwork mostly... so here's a little update Swimming: Campolindo Girls and Boys finish first in DFAL Championships. I place 9th in 100yd fly with a 55.91 We then move on to North Coast and Girls place a record-setting 1st, but the Boys get 2nd. I place 37th/40 (not last! boo-ya!) in 100yd fly. NCS Results(Page 21 for my name!) And that finishes off my high school swimming career. It's been a short four years... really short. School: I'll be going to UCSB next fall (go guachos!) in the College of Engineering. Fun:We just had Senior Ball and it was great!!! I went with an old friend, Lynn, from my old elementary school! We danced the night away... oh and there was food too... good food. ;D Good times were had by all!!! BaseballThe A's OWN! They are coming right back up, we're gonna catch Seattle and then go on to the world series!!! I'm gonna add a little gadget so you can check out the A's every time you visit my page! :D ... and that concludes my update for now! :) Thursday, February 1, 2001 I'm updating my page... yea. Counter-Strike is cool. I'm joining the Pink Bunnies clan. I'm an embryo right now :| My mp3 list is updated ... my sister's songs are on there too, like Shania Twain, Nsync that kinda thing... but most are mine... ok bye Monday, October 23, 2000 Oakland A's win the AL west but they lose to the Yankees in the Division Playoffs. There is still hope for next year with two amazing young pitchers Tim Hudson and Barry Zito... They could both win 20+ games next year! :D Colleen! Yes I am still around! The question is where are YOU?! e-mail me! :D scottfarrar@hotmail.com. Grumm's Life News! : College applications are going slowly but surely... well maybe just slowly. I've done the UC applications all except for the essay O_O I hate essays. If I'm president I will make a law against essays. So watch out english teachers! Farrar in 2020! (the first election year when I'm of legal presidential age!) I have a cool slogan too. Farrar sees 20/20 in 2020! Vote for me fewlios! In current the current election, things are looking... dumb. check out www.issues2000.com to see who you REALLY want to vote for! I'm taking c++ this year... wanna see my l33t game? of course you do! Oops! Geocities doesn't let me upload .exe files :\ ... I'll zip it later ;D Feel free to scan for virii :P Friday, September 28, 2000 This just in! The Oakland Athletics now lead the AL West Division of MLB!!! GO A'S! Giambi for MVP! The A's won the first game in their 3 game series (the last of the year) against Texas, 7-5. I updated my mp3 list. This is every song on my computer... which includes my sisters... but those are easily discernable... just consider their suckiness factor.
Wednesday, September 27, 2000 Hello? Is it safe? y2k bug didn't destroy the world? COOL! :D what's been going on? Anyway, I like Phish go buy their CDs now! www.amazon.com (they paid me to say that) O_O P.S. Grumm ownz MuzzleBait's bonez
Thursday, December 3, 1999 I added the Laughs section... check out the Newsroom. It ownz yur bonez.
Friday, November 19, 1999 Today is the last day where all the digits are odd. (11.19.1999) until 1.1.3111. Enjoy it little friends, enjoy it. I have re-designed my page as to include the other aspects of the one you know as Grumm (who is that freak anyway?) Check out these ever-so-swank graphics. oh yes. yes indeed. |