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(Last update: August 6th, 2003)
364 midis online!!
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Gif animation made by Aoi. Used with permission.
Mighty wa hitori dake. Watashi desu...

Videogame midis
What's new?
Computer systems
Sega Dreamcast
Sega Game Gear
Sega Genesis / Mega Drive
Sega Master System
Sega Mega CD
Sega Saturn
Misc. Sonic the Hedgehog related midi music
Other videogame midi pages
Rules for using the midis
About me (only to be read if you are very bored...)

Other computer-videogame stuff
Reviews, walkthroughs and FAQs that I have written
Tails Adventure (Game Gear) walkthrough (HTML-version with screenshots)
Computergames I have created
My Shining Force 3 - 3rd Scenario Translation page