These animated gifs are here courtesy of Rex Sutton.

Mr. Sutton holds a copyright to thes images, so ask him first if you'd like to use them.

Click here to visit Rex Sutton's homepage..

Here's a link to the latest version of the campaign, the whole nine yards. There are still a couple of things that will change in the next few weeks, like the story line being written by Jason Conlon, the author of the Kingmaker Campaign. Also, I'm going to touch up a couple of the levels, but other than that this is it until I get something figured out about replacing the Orcish levels. This program is not a series of PUDs, it is a complete replacement for the Tides of Darkness human campaign. This will overwrite the Tides of Darkness human campaign, and will also overwrite various other things like spells, text, graphics, images, etc.... Be sure you read the instructions completely, if you don't you will almost certainly have problems. You MUST have the expansion disk installed before installing this campaign. None of the people involved in the making of this campaign take any responsibility for any damages caused by the installation of this program.

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