Welcome to My Homepage!

Thanks for coming to my website. I really wish that I could get motivated to do more on it, but it really doesn't look like that's going to happen in the near future. Maybe someone should force me to or something. Anyway, I hope that everyone has a great 2003.

My Photo Albums
My Moogle Page
My Biography/Personal Info
Bucknell University
My High School Band's Web Site
MHS Faculty Dance I
The personal website of Erik O'Day
Vega's website (my friend Todd's band)
The website of my friend, John Singer (Faculty Dance creator)
The website of my friend, Brian Carey
The website of my friend, Lauren Carey (Brian's Cousin)
The website of my friend, Megan Pasone
Meg's Dedication to Friends
The website of my friend, Jeff "The Worm" McGoldrick
Cheech's Webpage
The website of my friend, Marie

The website of my friend, Cheryl

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Last Update -- 3/27/04

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