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So what is this site all about?
The Pond is made up of 5 sites in one. All of these sites specialize in games that are playable using an IPX network. The games in Question are- Doom 2
- Duke Nukem 3D
- Red Alert
- Quake
- Warcraft 2
Each of the above pages contain custom maps for player vs. player combat (deathmatches), cheat codes, utilities that I find useful, good links and some strategies as well.
I hope you enjoy the site.....Prawn

[Doom II] [Duke Nukem 3D] [Red Alert] [Warcraft 2] [Quake]
Is your favorite wad, pud, map etc... in The GAMES POOL ? if not send it to me!!!!
The custom maps on the above pages are not the latest but my favorites.....
Having problems getting that $&$&?}! network to work? Then check out the.....
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© 1998 The Prawn
This page was last updated on the ...15 January 1998
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