Welcome to (fill in crappy website name here)

Yeah, this is mine. It's horrible, but hey, no one is making you read it, either. =P
You are visitor Countersince January 20th, 1997.

Info about me:

Name: Josh Baessler
DOB: 2/29/1980
Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Eyes: Hazel
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Occuptation: Call Center, Customer Service and Benefit Sales
Interests:Anime (Inuyasha, Dragonball Z, FullMetal Alchemist) CCG/TCG's, Sci-Fi, gaming

Coming Soon -

Inuyasha Card Game Decks and Strategies
Tournament Schedules
New Pictures
Whatever else I think people might, possibly, care about. Heh.

Links- Places Well Worth Your Time

Bad Movies Website - Rated from Worth a Good Laugh to Never Watch without Supervision
GameFaqs - Your #1 Source for Video Game Secrets, Codes, and FAQs
A Modest Destiny
Inuyasha TCG - Score Entertainment
Sluggy Freelance - One of the best online comics out there

Copyright 1997-2005 Josh Baessler