Welcome to Moose's Forgotten Realms Campaign.
Currently I am hosting a campaign for 6 players in 1 group.
That would be Red. But the rest of the games I was running
are still accessible, of course, below.
Check out the introduction and the major npc's here. Into The Realms
And use these links to go to a specific group: Blue, Green, Red, and Teal Squadrons.
While the game started in the Forgotten Realms, right now
Red group has gone onto some planar adventures.
We love lurkers and game information is now available.
If you would like to lurk, email me with Lurker in the subject line and get in on the fun.
In addition to running my own game, I am currently a player in
other games listed below and some of these sites are very helpful in
finding a game to participate in, as well.
Please Sign My Guestbook Below
Greetings Fellow Poetry Lover's
The featured poem is:
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T. S. Eliot
Click here to read the poem and if you enjoy this one and want more
head on over to T. S. Eliot What the Thunder Said and check out their site.
I love J. Alfred!
Links to rpg sites on the Web
DARKFALL All women, Great DM, I'm Quillan.
TRUTHSLAYER I play Dak, the halfling fighter.
A new site dedicated to Gaming on the Internet
Macray's Keep rpg on web
PBeM News find a game to play in, but be quick
IG's Tools for role playing games
Internet Role Playing Society
Maximun Roleplaying Page Necromancer's page includes fabulous links(one back to here!)
other sites of interest
Linda Clapper's Rocky and Bullwinkle page
The Sci-Fi Channel
I love Lego
Microprose, yes computer games
Wizards of the Coast w/Magic The Gathering
Lots of games at Hyperactive
WebSites of my Players and People I play in other rpg's with
Andrew of Teal Squadron's Home
Veldraith the Elf in Blades of Justice
Feign's running a campaign in his world, Tyrissia
Rolf's Your Brain on Bugs Page His campaign setting of Belarus
Elaina's creator Martin's new homepage
As for me. There's not much to tell. I enjoy moose, writing,
reading science-fiction and fantasy, dogs, currently we
have a Norwegian Elkhound(that's Moose Dog in norwegian)
named Loki), and two cats(Smudge, and Dabs).
I am married to a wonderful woman named Monster and if I don't
say hi to my Mom on my website, I'll be in heap big trouble.
Hi Mom, when are you getting a website?
The Official PBeM Webring
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