Welcome to my
VGA-Planets Page

(devoted to Players of the Federation)

Tim Wiseman's VGA-Planets Homepage

VGA-Planets is a strategic space-based PBEM (play by e-mail) game for up to 11 players developed by Tim Wiseman. To learn more about the game and how to obtain it just check the official VGAP-Web-Page by the author himself (and klick on the rotating sign)

You can also try to follow the alt.games.vga-planets NewsGroup and/or check one of the following great VGA-Planets Pages which contains further links.

  1. Timo's VGA-Planets Info Page
  2. Galactic Traveler - VGA Planets

One of the races that can be played within VGA-Plantes is the Federation which is actually taken from ©StarTrek. Being one of the most overlooked races in the game, I tried to compile some hints and tips on how to play them effectively - although very unfinished and probably never being finished:

Playing the Federation (49.054 bytes).

Feel free to file any comment to me and I will include them in the text: arend@geocities.com

I further have some nice replacement Federation .bmp files for use in VGA-Planets taken from various Internet Sites, especially from Timo's VGA-Planets Info Page and http://www2.cy-net.net/~rghart/winimage.html. You can d/l this file HERE (109.944 bytes). Or check the bmps first (2.496 bytes + 84.604 gif-files).

Want to name your VGA-Planets ships? Why don't you use "real" Star Trek Names? This is a (more or less complete) list of Federation ships taken from Star Trek: The Original Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager.

BTW: Anyone interested in my professional life? Check out my WebPage at the Free University of Berlin. Although completely in German some of you interested in International Relations or Peace and Conflict Research might find it valuable.

© 1997, Arend Wellmann

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