This page isn't really much to look at, But let me tell you a little about myself. I live in Utah and attended Brighton High School, graduating a few years back. Currently im 19 (subject to change), Hold a full time job and am attending college. My current obsession is with Tekken Tag Tournament and Tekken 4. On top of that I write HTML and Javascript with over 7 years of experience. Lastly, check out my personal Tekken Website (Tekaholics Anonymous) which should be up sometime around January 30th, 2002. When complete this site should list all the moves for Tekken 4 along with Tag Combo, System Information, and updated moves list for Tekken Tag Tournament. If for some strange reason you feel compelled to contact me, click the button on the navigation bar or send an email to
Last Updated [12/28/2001 1:55pm] My current status is:  |