About Me
Photo of the day:
Click me
Sorry for all the slacking... I'm on vacation, thus I don't have much time for this....

This foto is one of the most commun males fantasys, two girls kissing (not my personal best turn on I must say thou), belive it or not, I'm the dude behind the camera.
I was kinda fearfull of posting this pic here cuz I think that someone I know know them and that person could tell I posted this, but again, they don't really deserve my respect over the phun it is posting this and if that person loves his own balls he will not squell on me

And final note, it wasan't a night as crazy as this pic makes it look.... too bad
Previous Photos
The best game in the universe
My Info:
Name: Art
Email: awls99@gmail.com
You have been Cursed!
From now on if you don't add this page to your favorites/bookmarks and check it out for updates often you'll have a slow and painfull death.
The only way to get good fortune and to suceed at anything in your life from now on is to be active in my forums

27 - 11 - 2004
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Older news
Usualy the first few days of a web page are the ones where changes are more bound to happen.
Today I posted for the first time a picture of me and a picture taken with a decent camera, my digital kodak 3Mp.
I cropped it a bit so it wouldn't take that much to load, click it to see in more detail all the goo in my head.

Also, added a forum, yes, a forum, no sign up required, just post what ever you want there, it's just a bit under the counter, no way to miss it ;)

17 - 11 -2004

Fotolog.net sucks, don't go there, it's evil, it's slow and very very limitated.

So I rather do this web page where I can add more pics per day, smiles if I fell like and any other shit I want.
Since this is my first post I'll add the pics I added on my fotolog earlier with the same comments, I should be able to set up a guestbook where you can coment before I publish this page.

I really hope you come here often as I'll add interesting and funny pictures.
And feel free to contact me any time.
