The Interdependent Webring Homepage
A Webring of and by Unitarian Universalists
- What is a webring?
- Easy question. A ring is a group of pages linked together to
form a circle. Each page has two links: one to the previous site and one
to the next site. A webring is a ring maintained at First created bySage Weil, the Webring hosts a
centralized CGI script to handle all of the messy maintenance details,
and also provides some great extra features. To surf around
the ring, all you have to do is jump to a random site on the ring, and
then use the prev or next buttons on that page to slide from site to site
around the ring.
- What is a Unitarian Universalist?
- Ah. A tougher question. Well, the Unitarian Universalist Association was
formed by the 1961 union of the Unitarians and the Universalists.
Hmmm, that doesn't help much does it? Unitarian Universalists are a
diverse lot, and not easily defined. Why don't you take a spin around the
ring and form your own opinion? (And that's a pretty good answer by itself!)
random site
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The Interdependent Webring is made up of the personal homepages of
Unitarian Universalists and some non-profit organizational homepages headed
or maintained by Unitarian Universalists, such as congregations, youth
groups and the like.
If you are a Unitarian Universalist then you are welcome to join the ring.
You do not need to be a member of particular UU church, and your webpage
does not need to have a specifically Unitarian Universalist theme to it.
It should, however, be generally in accordance with the principles of
Unitarian Universalism. Remember, people of all ages may be circling this
You will need to add a snippet of HTML to your web page, and try to let me
know if your page goes down. If you decide to leave the ring, please
delete your URL from the member list before erasing the HTML links from
your page. Otherwise, people will not be able to make it all the way
around the ring. Also, as a member of the ring, you will be able to add
other people to the ring, and will be responsible for checking them out first.
Joining the Interdependent Webring is as easy as 1-2-3.
- Complete the form below. You will receive an e-mail with more
information, including the HTML code you need to add. You will
automatically be added to the webring queue.
- Insert the HTML and graphics (optional) from the e-mail into your page (usually at the bottom).
- When you have everything working, e-mail any member of the ring and
ask them to add you.
The member will review your page to make sure the links are set up
correctly and the page fits the criteria, and then add it
to the ring. If you have any questions or comments, send me an email at
You should receive a confirmation e-mail within minutes. If you haven't
recevied anything after 24 hours, you should resubmit your page (make sure
your e-mail adrisss dosint contane eny typose!)

The Interdependent Webring is created by Unitarian Universalists.
This Interdependent Webring site owned by Jim McNulty
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Graphics borrowed from SolarWeb.
There are some other terrific images there you may want to use on your
homepage. Thanks Solar!
This page created by Jim McNulty.
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