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Since August, 1996

Last updated January, 2001

February 21, 2001:School, school and some more school. I have managed to do a little work on the page, but nothing that I have published yet. Please PLEASE be patient! The page is near completion, and I promise you will enjoy it once I have it up and running! It's just a matter of finding the time...

January 18, 2001:Weeeeeeeee, Winter Break is almost over, and I thought I needed to do something with the page since Lunar 2 was just released and all. GREAT game! If anyone hasn't bought it... buy ASAP! What else? Oh, I dunno... send me e-mail, tell me what you think of the new design! It's not quite done yet, but when it is, I will update news again.

May 29, 2000:Hmm... it sure has been a while since I've touched this page : ) Well, it's looking a lot better now than I think it ever has! I am --patiently-- awaiting the arrival of the new Lunar title from Working Designs, Lunar2:Eternal Blue Complete. Hopefully WD will be able to stick to their late July release date! I'll be trying to put some time into this page during the summer. I'll be starting school at Colorado College in fall 2000 (eek!)--we'll see how much I get done, eh? : )

June 21, 1999:Wow, I've done quite a bit to this page these past few days. Backgrounds, frame work, title page... Hey, give me some feedback on how you think it looks! So, anyway, I hope to get some new link pics up, I'm getting tired of the dragon, and I'm starting to plan a picture gallery and strategy/info on the games. Also, the Cool Stuff section will be totally redone as soon as I get some ideas, time and motivation ;) Many new things to come...

June 17, 1999:Ok, it's June 1999, and Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete was FINALLY released. I played and finished the game, and had a great time doing it! After finishing it, I pulled out my old Sega CD, blew off the dust and started playing Lunar: Eternal Blue again! I should be making changes to this page off and on this summer, so keep an eye out. Until then, visit Working Designs official web page! to keep you occupied :) Great stuff on their page.

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