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unlock this
door with the key
of imagination. Beyond it,
there is another dimension. A dimension
of sound. A dimension of sight.
A dimension of mind.
You´re moving into a
land of both shadow and substance,
of things and ideas. You´ve just
crossed over into... the Twilight Zone."
This page has been accessed
since October 8, 1996.
As reality itself, this page is under constant changes. Reload
Pre Scriptum:
This page is not ready, but I was not willing to lose my number at GeoCities,
so I had to send them something. If you are unfortunate enough to drop
here... sorry.
Who is Victor
(Feel free to skip this
boring stuff)
- My name is Marcelo Hecht. Since
I started playing RPG, some people know me asVictor (I´m no Technocrat
however). I´m a student of Computer Science at UFRGS (stands for
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul), currently in the sixth semester.
I live in in Porto Alegre, Brasil (it's not a big city, but it appears
in most world maps, usually in the southern corner of the country). I also work as a programmer in a software company.
- But, enough of this. Let's get
to what really matters...
What I like
to do?
(And they allow me to
put here in Geocities)
- Some of you may think that, because
of my profile, I should be quite a nerd. Well, you are not completely wrong.
Fortunately, not all my interests are computer-based (fortunately for my
- Besides my obvious interests, Computer
Games and Computer Programming, I'm also deep into Role-Playing Games.
And, as any good roleplayer should, I also read a lot, mainly Fantasy literature,
and Science Fiction. I also love watching movies, and I am an Anime fan
too. Well, I like Sci-Fi, I like movies, and I like all kinds of weird
things. So I'm obviously a Trekker.
- If it's weird enough for you, wait
'till you read about those subjects in detail...
- Note that there are still no downloadable
stuff in this page; just some links. Soon, however, I intend to upgrade
this page and add some cool stuff here.
You're using a computer to access this.
And if you are a computer user, you have already played a computer game.
There's not much to say about them, except that they are really entertaining.
And HIGHLY addictive. Especially those Microprose strategy games, like
Master of Orion or Master of Magic, that won't allow you to leave your
computer even for going to the bathroom.Or this new tide of Doom-like 3D
games that will give you adrenaline peaks only surpassed by bungee jumping
(I guess; I never really tried bungee jumping).
Here are the links
for some game-related pages.
Computer Programming
I'm not satisfied only by using
the programs others throw at me. I have to develop my own. Unfortunately,
it´s hard to make money programming games, so I have to work in less
entertaining subjects.
Here are the links
for programming and other computer-related pages.

"Reality is for those who doesn't play
You probably already know what
is an RPG. If you don't, here goes a short explanation: some weird people
gather together one night, and pretend to be weirder roleplaying some weird
characters. It's the funniest thing in the world (or at least one of).
There's much more to say about
it, but for now take some links.
That's all for now. This
page is to be upgraded soon.