Stong's Site

Thank you for visiting...My Phishi Homepage

I am from Rochester, NY. I'm 20 years old, 5'-10" tall, I have blonde hair, and blue eyes, and I LOVE PhIsH. I have a couple pictures of myself, which I hope you like.

Picture #1
Picture #2
"Gussy", my first vehicle, with a new coat of gold paint
Our Saturn

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Links to music sites on the Web

My favorite radio station from Rochester, who also broadcasts over the internet with RealAudio


A Live One

A Picture of Nectar

Billy Breathes



Lawn Boy


Slip, Stitch, & Pass

The Story of the Ghost

Crimes of the Mind

Another great band

Links to car sites on the web


Links to other sites on the web

Virtual Flowers
Chris's Homepage

PLEASE leave a note to me on my guestbook, so I know who has visited my home page, and if you like the PhIsHiNeSs of it all here. Thanx...

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Lyco's Search Engine

on this page for your convenience, so please facilitate it as much as you need...


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This page was last updated on Tuesday, September 21 st, 1999

people have visited since August, 1996.

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