
BattleTech is a board game by Fasa, that simulates combat between BattleMechs ('Mechs for short), which are like bi-pedal tanks. They weigh between 10 and 100 tons and are up to 12 meters high (that's about 40 feet to you Imperialists). BattleMechs carry an assortment of weapons including lasers autocannons and missles. BattleMechs are the deciding factor in any battle.

Optional rules for new equipment to increase kicking damage (by me, Cyber Claw)

My 'Mech designs for 'Mech Engineer Pro

My cursors (not BTech but cool anyway)

Mechwarrior2: Mercenaries Tips, Hints, & cheats


© 1996

Disclaimer: Alot of the stuff on this page is either copyright of Fasa or Activision. Somethings are copy righted by various other organizations or persons, most is used here with out permission. Anything here that I have made is not copy righted so feel free to use it; If you're nice you'll even give me credit.

You are thelittle yellow bird to have sat on my shoulder since 12/14/96

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