Bob Lacey's online page
(or what I do with my copious free time)
Welcome to my virtual cell! I'm kind of in a hurry, so this may not be very
well organized... First I'll tell you a little about myself, and what I do. I
was born in San Francisco, California in 1961. With the exception of business
trips and vacations, I've spent my entire life in the San Francisco Bay area
(that means I kind of know my way around here). I'm clever and witty when I'm
awake and have had enough sleep. When I'm sleep-deprived, I'm cranky, and when
I'm asleep, I snore loudly.
Yes, I do have a family. They're really special to me, and make my life very
good. If you want to know more about them, click
I'm a software engineer for a living, and a game designer and writer in my
dreams. These dreams manifest themselves as a large-ish collection of
interlocking hobbies. These hobbies mostly involve the use of weapons, the
practice of hand-to-hand unarmed combat, or the acquisition of information that
many people would consider either irrelevant or useless.
Playing Role-playing games
The Fourth Age,
an unpublished game system and roleplaying setting where I do most of my
writing and gaming.
Shotokan Karate
Diablo II: Lord of
Destruction - my current online addiction
Where I work!
Here are some links to some friends of mine who also have pages:
The clan I am a member of...
© Copyright (by me) 2004 (last update 06/22/2004)