This page is designed for
fantasy role-playing gamers and gamemasters. Some sites feature homemade
worlds. Others provide tools for random generation of rough planets, islands,
villages, and characters. While these tools are neat and nifty, WorldWeaver
differs in that it is devoted to helping gamemasters and writers construct
a fantasy milieu from scratch. It contains tips on building your campaign
right from the universe level all the way down to towns and villages.
And, if this isn't enough
to pique your curiosity, I've also uploaded my own gaming world, Tangorea.
The world, like the rest of this site, is still in the early stages of
development. I welcome suggestions
as to content, improvements, or anything else you think this site should
have or not have.
- Milieu Design Pages
- Universe
- Origins of Cosmos
- Universe Created Gods
- Gods Created Universe
- Universe/Gods Uncoupled
- Nature of Universe
- Steady-State
- Expanding
- Cyclical
- Space and Time
- Time Travel, Yea or Nay
- Quantum Physics
- "You Can't Go Home Again"
- The Flap of a Butterfly's Wings
- Time Continuum
- Worlds
- Solar Systems
- Stars
- Properties of Stars
- Single Versus Multiple Stars
- Stellar Lifespan Issues
- Orbital Mechanics
- Orbital Eccentricity
- Bio-Zones
- The Ramifications of Multiple Inhabitable Worlds
- Space Travel
- Interplanetary Ecology and Trade
- Geography
- Land Masses and Oceans
- Global Climate Patterns
- The Polar Regions
- Subpolar Regions
- Westerlies
- Subtropical Highs
- The Tropics
- Rainfall Patterns and Deserts
- Climate Change
- Making Climate Work for You
- Mountains
- Fluvial Patterns
- Cultural Geography
- Life
- Ecology 101
- Evolution
- Developing an Ecosystem
- Sentience
- Who's Got the Brains
- Intelligence
- Ramifications of Sentience
- Non-Humanoid Sentience
- Civilization
- Religion
- Deity-based Religions
- Deeper Religions
- Mysticism and Spiritualism
- Shamanism
- Polytheism, Monotheism, and Bitheism
- Politics
- Systems of Government
- Monarchy
- Democracy
- Syndicalism
- Autocracy
- Anarchy
- Theocracy
- The Republic
- Dynamicism in Political Structures
- Empire
- Insurgencies
- Causes of Disorder and Discontent
- Agitation and Control
- Economics
- Supply and Demand
- The Value of Trade
- Value-added Economics
- Currencies, Money, and Inflation
- Cities, Nations, and Empire
- Factors Affecting The Rise of Cities
- Food Supply
- Trade Routes
- Strategic Considerations
- The Rise of Nations and Empires
- Bureaucracy
- Empire
- Subject Peoples

a n g o r e a
(My Own Campaign World!)
Some things you won't find on this
site include technology issues (beyond medieval technology); I am not a
fan of high-tech RPGs. To me, part of the appeal of an RPG is the opportunity
to immerse oneself in a fresh, new world of untamed beauty and possibility.
Post-nukeout warzones and techno-dystopias with Japanese megacorporations
that control everything have too many overtones of everything wrong with
our Earth to make for interesting escapist gaming. As to creating alternate
universes (i.e., an Earth where the internal-combustion engine was never
invented or where Africa overpowered Europe), I find alternate histories
fascinating, but I will leave this topic to least for now.
As far as using Tangorea
in RPG systems like Dungeons and Dragons, the legal
section of this site speaks to this issue.
PbEM Campaign Pages
(Some Pages Temporarily Unavailable
due to Re-Organization)
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