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Home Page for Chess Players and Chess Lovers
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A three-judge federal court panel has declared unconstitutional the Communications Decency
Act that would limit Internet content. The judges described the Internet as ``a never-ending
world conversation. The government may not interrupt that conversation.’’
Meus LINKS favoritos de Xadrez

Go to the Silicon Valley GeoCities
Home Page do Prof. LeoKonskier
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Visit us and help to preserve nature! --- Não deixe de visitar!
Chess Links

Chess in the Washington
Chess in Virginia
1996 United States Open
Scholastic Chess
West Virginia Chess Association Great job by Tom LaBue. Games, crosstables, tournament reports, and more.
GM Lubomir Kavalek chess column in on of the leading U.S. newspapers, the Washington Post.
Chess Space, the largest, and possibly the best, chess megapage around.
American Chess Foundation
The Games Exchange A users group for Chessbase and NICBase users.
Washington Times Chess Column by David Sands. One of the two or three best in the country.
Maclin Times: Good collection of links
Internet Chess Library download files through Web interface
Chess Trivia from the Traveller Chess Site in Alabama
University of Pittsburg FTP site, another good collection of downloadable files
Chess Archives great Huntsville, Alabama site includes, among other things, Chess Problems
Internet Chess Club (ICS) info on commercial server for playing real time chess over the Internet
Charleston, S.C. Chess Club
Western Massachusetts Chess Good job by Tony Sillars.
Western Kentucky University
Alabama Chess Federation A model for other state chess federations.
Illinois Chess Association and Alan Losoff
The Chess Show, TV program from Portland, Oregon: "We basically just try to have fun and encourage people to play chess." Complete with downloadable theme song from the show!
Chess Center of New Jersey
Yahoo Chess Page Famous Web index site's Chess page.

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