The Campaign Logbook - A logbook-style novel written by Chris Prevett with help from Scott Prevett chronicling 15 years of real Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Adventures.
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Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997 Chris Prevett. All Rights Reserved.
Editing and conversion to HTML by Scott Prevett.

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Hi! Welcome to my Geocities homepage. I am using this page as a place to keep the Campaign Logbook, which is now subdivided into separate chapters. Soon to come will be lots of maps and illustrations to keep people like me who don't have an incredibly long attention span interested, so be patient. What? You have no idea what the Campaign Logbook is? Then start reading the introduction provided below…

WARNING: This document's source is from the original notebooks it was logged into, complete with swearwords or other, even more profane descriptions of sex, arson, decapitation, rape, torture, or just about any other form of violence imaginable. Since self-imposed censorship is the only kind we prefer, we insist that you must be at least 18 years old to read The Campaign Logbook.




While this is not exactly a story in the traditional sense, with no solidity of plot lines, no climax, no denouement, and having many different parts interrelated, keep in mind that this is a novel. We have separated its parts into what could be considered chapters and we recommend that the reader follow the story chronologically, not skipping any section (although many experienced AD&D players may wish to skip the Glossary section. Here are the chapters as they appear:

ForewordGlossaryCharactersPrologueLogbook Zero

Tales of the Green Griffon Logbook 1

Tales of the Green Griffon Logbook 2

Tales of the Green Griffon Logbook 3

Tales of the Green Griffon Logbook 4

The Sixles Campaign Logbook 1

The Sixles Campaign Logbook 2

The Sixles Campaign Logbook 3

The Sixles Campaign Logbook 4

Find any mistakes? Have any questions? Give Chris or myself an e-mail and let us know what you think. Don't worry, there will be more to come later. Remember, this is only the story so far…